Her heart throbbed and said, "Tomorrow!"

"That's right, we only officially contacted on February 15."

Tian Yuan smiled playfully: "I just think I can receive another gift tomorrow!"

Lin Weiqin: "...So you are no different from other women."

Tian Yuan laughed: "Do you dislike it?"

He hurriedly shook his head and walked over slowly: "Don't dislike it! In fact, even if the anniversary is today, you won't be missing a gift. I can prepare two copies."

"is it?"

"Of course!" Lin Weiqin nodded, and slowly took out a small jewelry box from his purse.

When Tian Yuan saw her, she held her breath.

This, this... Could it be earrings again?

Lin Weiqin took a step back, knelt down on one knee, and opened the jewelry box, which contained a beautifully shaped diamond ring!

Tian Yuan was almost blinded by the flash!

She raised her hand to block her eyes, and he looked at her: "Would you like to marry me?"

Tian Yuan said dazedly, "I'll propose marriage after only one year of dating..." I didn't want to agree.

"I have been waiting for you for many, many years." Lin Weiqin said solemnly.

"But... I'm so afraid of having children."

"Then we don't want children."

"No way!" Tian Yuan shouted, "I think children are pretty cute too, look how cute Xia Xia is~"

"Then give birth!"

Tian Yuan blushed, "I'm not yours yet, give birth if you want?"

"Then you will be my one!"

"That won't work! My parents haven't agreed yet!"

"Then you agree, I'll come to propose marriage."

Tian Yuan thought for a few seconds and nodded gently.

Lin Weiqin was overjoyed, grabbed her hand and put the ring on!

The next day...

Tian Yuan took Lin Weiqin home happily, and Zeng Shuai was very dissatisfied when seeing the two of them proud in the spring breeze.

Lin Weiqin brought a lot of gifts here. Zeng Shuai frowned and asked roughly, "What?!"

The Lantern Festival is over, do you still have to pay New Year's greetings?

Tian Yuan lowered her head sweetly, stirring her hands on her knees.

Tian Cheng felt flashed by something, and looked over and saw the ring on her hand.

Tian Yuan smiled and stretched out her hand: "Does it look good?"

Tian Cheng glared at her badly, and when he leaned back, Zeng Shuai saw the ring.

Zeng Shuai's face changed drastically, and he looked like he was about to explode.

Tian Yuan retracted her hand in fright.

Zeng Shuai yelled: "You reach out to me!"

Tian Yuan pouted her mouth and stretched out her hand weakly.

Zeng Shuai gritted his teeth and asked Lin Weiqin angrily: "You did it?!"

Lin Weiqin nodded, bowed her head and pleaded earnestly: "Uncle and aunt, please marry Yuanyuan to me!"

"You want to be beautiful!" Zeng Shuai lifted the table.

The first time I asked for a kiss, there was no discussion at all, and it failed!

Lin Weiqin had anticipated that it would not go well, but when faced with this situation, it was also very sad.

Taking a deep breath, he continued his efforts.

However, Zeng Shuai ignored Tian Yuan for half a month, and he couldn't get in.

Tian Yuan comforted: "Don't worry, don't worry~ My dad won't keep me forever, I promised you, sooner or later~"

"Of course I know." Lin Weiqin hugged her, "I'm not in a hurry, but I still have to let my father-in-law know my heart~"

Unfortunately, afterwards, Zeng Shuai asked Tian Yuan to go home, but he was not allowed to roll the call!

After Tian Yuan came home, Zeng Shuai reprimanded: "How old are you? What do you want to marry and become a yellow-faced woman?! You are your father's princess, OK!"

"I know..." Tian Yuan said, "Then talk about it in two years, don't you be angry~" (to be continued~^~)

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