Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1748: She left because of us

"Okay!" Sheng Shuangxue agreed, "but you also have to promise me a request. You can't send someone to follow me and get my news!"

"This..." Sheng Nanxuan hesitated, "I'm worried about your safety."

Sheng Shuangxue twisted the beginning dissatisfied.

Sheng Nanxuan said helplessly: "Then let's say hello to the director, and let him pay attention to your safety, but you don't need to report your daily routine, right?"

"Big Brother is not allowed to report!"

"Where does he have time to take care of you!" Sheng Nanxuan rolled his eyes.

When Sheng Shuangxue heard it, she was immediately depressed, feeling that she was an unloved child.

Sheng Nanxuan called Sheng Yiting and said that she was leaving tomorrow.

Sheng Yiting immediately canceled the evening's schedule, and brought Tong Siyao and the children back to eat, and practiced it for her.

Nanshan County is a county under the jurisdiction of Nanjiang City. The economic development of Nanjiang City is good, but Nanshan County is so-so. Although life is convenient, there is no such thing as the prosperity of big cities.

In the eyes of people in Beijing, it is a remote country.

Sheng Yiting and Tong Siyao couldn't understand her choice at all. When they returned to the presidential palace after dinner, Tong Siyao called Tong Silu.

Tong Silu and Sheng Shuangxue are classmates and best friends, they must know the inside story!

Tong Siyao asked: "Shuangxue is going to work in Nanjiang. Do you know what's going on? I heard that she had chosen the Jingxi branch before. Why did she suddenly change it?"

Tong Silu was stunned and said: "I don't know... She didn't tell me."

Tong Siyao was puzzled: "She will leave tomorrow, did not tell you in advance?"


"Then you have a good rest, you have to go to work tomorrow, right?"

"Hmm..." Tong Silu hung up.

After graduation, she moved out of school and now lives alone.

The house is quite big. I agreed with Sheng Shuangxue earlier that I can live with two people after working, and I can also build a laboratory in the house...

Tong Silu took the cell phone and dialed Sheng Shuangxue's phone. It rang for a long time, but Sheng Shuangxue didn't answer it.

Tong Silu waited patiently, suddenly heard the door bell, and walked over to open the door.

A tall and mighty man in a camouflage uniform stood outside, grinning at her, and his bronzed skin showed a **** and wild charm.

Tong Silu looked at him blankly, he dropped the bag in his hand, held her face and kissed.

At this time, the phone was connected, and Tong Silu heard Sheng Shuangxue's voice: "Hello?"

"Um..." Tong Silu hurriedly pushed the man away and ran into the living room with her mobile phone, "Shuangxue--I heard you are going to Nanjiang?"

The man licked his lips and walked in with his bag: "Is it Shuangxue?"

"Hush—" Tong Silu hurriedly stopped him.

But it was too late. Although Sheng Shuangxue didn't hear the man's voice, this boo exposed too much.

Sheng Shuangxue smiled bitterly: "Your boyfriend is here? Then stop talking. He will be on vacation for just one or two days. You guys... fall in love."

Sheng Shuangxue hung up the phone, Tong Silu slowly lowered her hand, the man walked over to hug her, and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

Tong Siyao said: "I think we will break up."

The man was taken aback and pushed her away: "Why! I came back to see you specially, why are you doing this to me?"

"Shuangxue is going to Nanjiang." Tong Silu looked at him.

"We're going to break up when she's gone? Do you like her or me?" the man asked grumpily.

Tong Silu shouted: "Don't you understand? She left because of us!"

The man suffocated, and suddenly hugged her into his arms: "I don't care! I won't break up!" (to be continued~^~)

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