Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1797: Gu Yunhao is going crazy

"Emma~ You are too sensitive to react, you will not die after getting married!" Xiao Mianmian shouted.

When Sheng Shuangxue heard this, she turned to look at her: "Mianmian, I never thought you were so dirty."

Xiao Mianmian picked up the medicated wine spray next to her and pointed it at her face: "Woman, get down!"

Sheng Shuangxue was so scared that she was flat, and then felt wrong: "Woman, where did you learn the lines? This line reminds me of bad scenes-the posture of the overbearing president and his little wife at night~"

Xiao Mianmian pulled off her **** and patted her ass: "So much nonsense! If you talk about it, do it yourself!"

Sheng Shuangxue: "...I didn't think it was wrong. Ah-my innocence!"

Gu Yunhao next door: "..." Can you relax?

"My God~" Xiao Mianmian's voice came, "The elasticity is too good! I really envy and hate! It's tender and slippery..."

"If you touch it again, this palace will sleep you!" Sheng Shuangxue was furious.

Xiao Mianmian shuddered in fright, did not dare to mess around, and obediently gave her medicine.

Gu Yunhao was going crazy, put down the book in his hand, and started doing push-ups on the ground.

However, the voice from next door still came into his ears clearly--

"Shuangxue~Whoever marries you would be too happy, look at this breast, look at this butt, I want to bend..."

"Are you willing to?"

"What can't you bear?"

"Ohhhhh~Is it? Let me check it out~"

Gu Yunhao's push-ups became more and more fierce. He doesn't usually hear so well, what happened today?

He picked up the earphones and put them on, turned the music on to the loudest, and finally couldn't hear the "dirty language" over there.


The next day, Sheng Shuangxue went to work. When she saw Bai Shuai, she secretly smiled, making Bai Shuai be inexplicable.

Sheng Shuangxue raised her face immediately, so as not to be misunderstood by him.

He is a sweetheart, don't make trouble!

She didn't go to the gym again because of her injury. The injury is not serious, but it hurts every day and can't stand strenuous exercise.

Xiao Mianmian still practices taekwondo every day, rain or shine. Sheng Shuangxue thinks it must be because Bai Shuai is there, but Xiao Mianmian stubbornly refuses to admit it.

Sheng Shuangxue thought of a way and said to Xiao Mianmian before Christmas: "Christmas is coming soon. It's a date for couples to date~"

Xiao Mianmian ignored her. She has been teasing herself with Bai Shuai recently.

Sheng Shuangxue looked at her: "You don't like Bai Shuai, do you?"

Xiao Mianmian was taken aback, glanced at her, and hummed: "I don't like it!"

"Then I will chase him!" Sheng Shuangxue patted his thigh.

"Ah?!" Xiao Mian was shocked, and hurriedly jumped up, "Shuangxue--"

"Don't admit it yet?"

Xiao Mian flattened his mouth and asked his fingers, "Do you really like him?"

Sheng Shuangxue rolled her eyes angrily: "You people, why are you so annoying? If you like it, don't admit it, you don't want to chase people righteously, who is the one who makes an oolong? Can you not make a mistake?!"

"Uh..." Xiao Mianmian was startled, why did Shuangxue suddenly become so angry?

Sheng Shuangxue pressed her against the wall with a wall, and Xiao Mianmian screamed, dumbfounded: I'm a bitch! Shuangxue's boyfriend is so strong, if Bai Shuai is so tough, I...

Sheng Shuangxue lifted her chin and asked domineeringly, "Don't admit it yet? Do you really want me to do it?"

"Well..." Xiao Mianmian threw into her arms, hugged her and said, "But he doesn't like me..." (to be continued~^~)

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