"Ah..." She sighed depressed, took out her phone, and replied to him in an angry voice: [I hate you now! 】

[Oh~ I am honored~]

Seeing those two wavy lines, she always felt that he was in a good mood.

She pushed the breakfast aside, took out the papers in the drawer and got busy.


There was a knock on the door.

Zhao Siyan raised his head: "Captain?"

Sheng Shuangxue froze and couldn't move.

"Morning." Gu Yunhao smiled, walked slowly to Sheng Shuangxue, put her breakfast down, "Yours."

Sheng Shuangxue grabbed it and opened the bag to chew.

He reached out and pressed her head, turned and went out.

Sheng Shuangxue touched her hair dissatisfied, then glared at him, then turned her grief and anger into appetite, and ate her buns hard.

As she was eating, she was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at the bun in the bag-why did she feel that one was missing?

She remembered the four she bought. She seemed to have finished one just now. She is now eating one. There should be two complete ones left. Why is there only one?

Damn it! Wouldn't it be Gu Yunhao who did it? He wouldn't spit on her buns? !

Sheng Shuangxue was stunned, and the bun in his mouth was neither vomiting nor swallowing.

She put down the buns and sent a message to Gu Yunhao: [Did you eat my buns? 】

[It's so fragrant, I can't help but eat one. You can't eat enough? Plus the one I bought should be enough, right? 】

[You didn't spit on my bun! ! ! 】


[You throw up? ? ? ? ] Sheng Shuangxue was shocked.

[Already kissed...]

Sheng Shuangxue said nothing.

Gu Yunhao put down the phone and rubbed his forehead feebly.

Why is this woman like this? Is he like someone who spit on her bun? It's disgusting to think about it!

The police arrested the police last night and Lao Yang knew about him. Lao Yang had just called him out and scolded him and asked him to take good care of the criminal police team!

He glanced at everyone and asked, "Where is Bai Shuai?"

The fat man immediately said, "Did you see the captain? Xiaobai is dressed very vigorously today. I went to find Mianmian with flowers early in the morning!"

Gu Yunhao stretched out his hand and pointed to the table above: "It's working time! Tell him to get me back! Come and see me soon!"

After speaking, he walked into his office and slammed the door.

After a while, Bai Shuai came, really full of energy, with gel on his hair.

"Such a show, are you going to make a debut?" Gu Yunhao asked angrily.

Bai Shuai looked innocent: "Didn't the captain say before that he should hurry up and solve major life issues?"

"Then can't make the city full of storms!"

Gu Yunhao picked up today's "Nanjiang Daily" and threw it on the table.

A citizen called the newspaper last night, and the farce has already been published in the newspaper.

Bai Shuai pursed his lips and said, "I don't even blame Sheng Forensic...I want to know that it won't be a challenge book, and I don't know what she thinks."

Gu Yunhao scolded him: "You are so embarrassed to say! That's the girl's dressing room, why did you put the note in it? Ah?!"

Bai Shuai immediately said, "I saw everyone walk in the day before and didn't do anything immoral!"

"It's all your fault anyway! Write me a ten thousand words review! Stay on duty at night!" Gu Yunhao shouted.

Bai Shuai is stunned. He has just made an appointment with his new girlfriend to eat western food and watch movies. How can this be?

He asked depressedly: "Captain, you scolded Sheng Forensic last night, why are you all to blame today?" (To be continued~^~)

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