Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1826: Why can't you bring yourself?

On Saturday morning, Sheng Shuangxue was still sleeping late and was awakened by the doorbell.

She opened the door sleepily, and Gu Yunhao stood outside wearing a white shirt, very handsome.

She remembered that he said he could not accompany him today, and asked irritably, "What are you doing?"

"I made breakfast for you." Gu Yunhao gave her the key to his room, "When you have enough sleep, go and eat by yourself."

Sheng Shuangxue was stunned for a moment, took a look at him, then let go of the door and said, "Bring me here, I'm too lazy to run!"

"...Okay." Gu Yunhao turned to go home, and brought over the cooked breakfast a moment later.

Sheng Shuangxue had already returned to the bed and looked at him with the quilt.

He said: "If it's cold, you can warm it up and eat it."

"This weather, I can't wait to eat ice." Sheng Shuangxue muttered.

He smiled, walked over and rubbed her head, bowed his head and kissed her.

She hurriedly avoided, shouting: "No brushing!"

"I don't dislike it." He smiled.

"Go! I hate you!"

"What's wrong with me, do you want to despise me?" Gu Yunhao held her face and asked bitterly.

She pushed him away, "If you think about it, you know to eat my tofu."

Gu Yunhao was speechless, rubbed her head and got up.

She shouted: "Wait—"

"What's the matter?" He turned his head.

She blushed and said, "Don't kiss you, you won't be stronger?"

Gu Yunhao: "..."

"Huh! Don't say I'm not good enough to you for a while..."

Gu Yunhao rushed over and kissed her fiercely...

But after only kissing for two minutes, he let go of her, patted her on the head and said, "Knowing you are sleepy, go on sleeping."

After speaking, he smiled and left.

Sheng Shuangxue looked depressed. Where does he feel sorry for himself? It is simply anxious to do his business.


Sheng Shuangxue slept for another two hours, got up and ate breakfast, and sent a message to Xiao Mianmian: [On a date? 】

Two minutes later, Xiao Mianmian replied: [Yes. You were abandoned by the captain? 】

Sheng Shuangxue: [The boat of friendship sank again...]

Xiao Mianmian: [Can I continue sailing with you? 】

Sheng Shuangxue: [Forget it, I'm not that light bulb. 】

Xiao Mianmian feels a little pain: [Captain really didn't accompany you? 】

Sheng Shuangxue: [He has something! In fact, it’s good to be separated occasionally, the distance produces beauty~]

Xiao Mian said insincerely: [Yes. 】

Sheng Shuangxue felt that if Xiao Mianmian was accompanied by someone to say this again, it would not be too painful for her back!

She dropped the phone and couldn't return it, Xiao Mianmian didn't return it again, and the boat of friendship began to teeter.

Sheng Shuangxue took a deep breath and looked at the car key left by Gu Yunhao.

She bit her lip and took the key to go out.

She went to the supermarket to buy something first, and then drove to Grandma Liu's house.

Hmph, Gu Yunhao likes to do good deeds, and she can do it too.

Sheng Shuangxue turned on the music, shook his head and looked at the dusty road, before arriving at the place where Grandma Liu lived.

She parked the car on the main road, looked at the open space in front of Grandma Liu, and started the car again.

From the main road to Grandma Liu's door, there is a small road just enough for a car to pass.

When the car approached the house, Grandma Liu came out.

Sheng Shuangxue smiled and slowly stopped the car. At this moment, another person came out.

Sheng Shuangxue was stunned.

The person who came out later was Gu Yunhao.

He, why is he here?

She sat in the car blankly, her brain blank.

What happened to him today is to come here? But why can't you bring yourself? (To be continued~^~)

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