Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1852: Some kind of code?

After thinking about it, I drew a peach heart next to it and wrote love.

The handwriting on the palms of He Li and Gao Sen, as well as the shape of their hands, means iloveyou.

But what about 3 and 6?

Could it be a date?

The door was knocked twice suddenly, Sheng Shuangxue walked over and opened the door, looking at Gu Yunhao outside.

Gu Yunhao said: "I go back and change clothes. There should be no danger, but you still have to be careful."

With that, he suddenly looked at the water mark on the mirror.

Sheng Shuangxue's electric toothbrush just stopped, and she stretched out her hand to him, hinting that he should not go, then turned around and spit out the toothpaste foam in her mouth, and wiped her mouth with a towel.

"3 and 6 should be a combination of dates?" she asked.

"I have already checked in this direction." He said, "but these are ordinary days for He Li and Gao Sen, nothing special. Moreover, the Gao family usually only lives with three or four people-Gao Sen and his wife and children. Occasionally my mother will go, but my father rarely. But on the day of the accident, parents and sisters were there... If the murderer wanted the number 6, would he have to wait for his family to make up enough six people? Or... Kill a few people , How many slashes on each dead person?"

Sheng Shuangxue listened and looked back in the mirror. The water mark on it had disappeared. Only the "high" character was left standing there, looking like another slanted "i".

Gu Yunhao went back and changed her clothes and took her to the noodle shop downstairs for breakfast.

Sheng Shuangxue took out his mobile phone and opened the Jiugongge keyboard and said: "Look, each grid has a number and three letters. Could the murderer leave some kind of secret code? For example, 3 corresponds to DEF and 6 corresponds to MNO? Or is it I corresponds to—"

"Don't think about this for now, eat quickly, and go to work after eating. Do you remember the last He Li case, did you have a pair of shoes at the scene? This time there is also a pair of shoes, worn on Gao Sen's sister's feet, almost brand new. There is your fingerprint on it, wait for you to check it out."

"Sister?" Sheng Shuangxue thought for a while, "Is that the dead woman in the living room? I seem to have seen her shoes..."

"I remember you took another look at the scene."

She looked at him: "Did you notice?"

He replied: "What did you find then?"

"It was too busy at the time, and I don't remember it very much. I'll see it later."


Police station--

Gu Yunhao, Lao Yang and others accompanied Sheng Shuangxue into the evidence room.

A police officer picked up the black high-heeled shoes sealed by the evidence bag, "This is the pair."

Sheng Shuangxue took a closer look and said in surprise: "These are new shoes?"

"Yes!" Gu Yunhao looked at her, "We checked the store selling this pair of shoes, and we found out through surveillance-on the afternoon of the incident, you went to the shopping mall in the county center and tried these shoes at the counter on the first floor lobby. ."

"But I didn't buy it!" She raised her head and said, "A murderer?"

"This is not certain yet."

She stretched out her hand and stared at her fingertips: "I left my fingerprints on my shoes, and they were stolen by the murderer?"

"It's possible."

"The surveillance should see the person who has touched these shoes behind, right?"

"The back monitoring is broken."

Sheng Shuangxue frowned.

"It depends on whether you have met the murderer." Gu Yunhao said.

Suddenly someone from behind said: "If you are not the murderer, this conjecture holds."

Sheng Shuangxue looked back at him, put down the evidence, and was taken aback, "How tall is the murderer?" (to be continued~^~)

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