Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1860: You don't care about me

But even so, those eyes also exposed a powerful threat, and the whole figure was like a beast in rest.

Guo Xiang smelled a close match from him, clenched his fists and walked over.

Uncle Wang at the counter took a look and hurriedly picked up the newspaper to cover his face, and said to Gu Yunhao: "Little mouse, you have to stay a little longer and you can't fight in my shop! Otherwise, I will ask you to double the compensation!"

Gu Yunhao pinched out the cigarette, wearily walked out of the supermarket and turned to the community.

Guo Xiang paused, glanced at him suspiciously, and then rushed over like a cheetah, wanting to test how many catties this man has.

Gu Yunhao heard the wind behind him, turned around quickly, and kicked it.

Guo Xiang had almost no rivals in the special forces, never doubted his ability, and did not put Gu Yunhao in his eyes.

The result is……

Unprepared to be caught off guard, he rolled to the ground.

He quickly got up and looked at Gu Yunhao warily.

Gu Yunhao glanced at him lightly, his voice hoarse: "Where did it come from?"

Guo Xiang clenched his fists, did not answer, and was ready to attack again at any time.

"You are not my opponent." Gu Yunhao said lightly, "I don't have time to fight with you now. You can go to the criminal police team to find me."

"Interpol Team?" Guo Xiang relaxed his vigilance when he heard it. It's no wonder that he feels the strength of the other party, but he doesn't feel any danger. It turns out that he is not a bad person.

Gu Yunhao took out his ID, turned around and left.

Guo Xiang flashed his eyes and exclaimed excitedly: "Wait!"

"What are you doing?" Gu Yunhao asked lazily.

Guo Xiang stood up straight and gave him a military salute: "Are you Gu Yunhao of Sharp Sword?"

Gu Yunhao clenched his hands into fists, and said with a grin: "The first group of fighters of the sharp sword have all been killed."

Guo Xiang stiffened, and raised his hand to salute again, without putting it down for a long time: "Guo Xiang, the third batch of sharp sword fighters, hello to brother!"

Gu Yunhao turned around and left. Guo Xiang looked at his back and slowly put down his hand.

After a while, Sheng Shuangxue's voice came from behind: "What are you doing here?"

Guo Xiang turned around.

Sheng Shuangxue glared at him, walked around him and went upstairs, "Wait outside, wait for me to bring Silu down, you tell him yourself!"

She hurried upstairs to the stairs on the second floor, and suddenly saw Gu Yunhao leaning against the wall, shocked.

Gu Yunhao glanced at her lightly.

She felt a guilty conscience and fear when she thought of "breaking out" while he was away.

Of course she knew that it was very wrong for her to do so!

She pretended to be calm and asked: "What are you doing here?"

Gu Yunhao laughed at himself: "You don't care where I have been in the past few days, whether you are tired or not in danger..."

Sheng Shuangxue's face changed slightly, and he was guilty and uncomfortable.

But listening to his voice, so thick, it should have been a long time since she had rested, and she couldn't help but feel distressed.

She asked angrily: "You locked me up, I don't know if your movements are good! I, I, I... I just came out last night!"

"Come out and tell the old lover?"

She stayed: "What do you mean?"

He looked at the ceiling: "I saw it just now. Is that the man you liked before? The vision-really bad."

"You--" Sheng Shuangxue looked at him angrily, "This girl's vision has never changed. Are you saying you are bad?"

He looked at her with cold eyes: "So... the grand lady of the Sheng family came here to suffer because of that man?" (to be continued~^~)

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