Sure enough, the gunfire stopped, and the sirens came over, apparently the police heard the movement.

Gu Yunhao couldn't help smiling: "It's nice to be at the police station."

"Can I come out?" Sheng Shuangxue asked urgently.

"Wait a second..." Gu Yunhao got up from the ground and held down the gunshot wound on his shoulder.

A black car drove across the road, exposing a line of windows, and a bullet broke through the wind...

The gun was equipped with a silencer and there was no sound, but he heard the change in the wind and tried to hide, the bullet flew past the back of his head, and he fell heavily to the ground...

"Yun Hao--" Sheng Shuangxue pushed Tong Silu and Guo Xiang's grip away and rushed over.

The sniper in the car raised the gun again, and the person next to him anxiously said, "No!"

The sniper had already pulled the trigger, too late to regret, so he could only shake his hand as best he could.

When the bullet hit Sheng Shuangxue's arm, Sheng Shuangxue rolled to the ground.

"It's over!" said the man in the car, "that's the daughter of the night god!"

"But Liu Qian just kept beating her!"

"Then let her die! Let's go!"

The car drove away at the fastest speed, and two police cars chased them. The remaining police cars braked suddenly, and all the people on it got out and ran towards Gu Yunhao and Sheng Shuangxue.

The scene was completely chaotic, and Old Yang roared: "The whole city is under martial law, and cars and people are not allowed to leave the city!"

Guo Xiang took out his officer ID: "I am a member of the Special Forces'Sharp Sword'. I can probably figure out where the previous sniper was, and send two people to follow me!"

Lao Yang took a look at the certificate, not sure whether it was true or false, but there was no way. At least this person went to pick up Sheng Shuangxue with Tong Silu yesterday, and the possibility of a problem is very small.

He immediately pointed two people to Guo Xiang, and Guo Xiang looked back at Tong Silu.

Tong Silu held the injured Sheng Shuangxue and looked at him with tears in her eyes: "Be careful!"

"I know." Guo Xiang sighed. Although he is a bit jealous of Sheng Shuangxue, he also knows that Sheng Shuangxue's injury is very serious.


Gu Yunhao had fainted, and Sheng Shuangxue was also fainted when the ambulance arrived.

A group of people hurriedly took them to the hospital, and then to Nanjiang after the first aid.

After all, Nanshan is a small place, and medical conditions are definitely not as good as Nanjiang.

Fortunately, Nanjiang's medical career has been developing well, and there is no need to risk sending it to the capital.

Sheng Shuangxue woke up a few hours later, his arm had been operated on, the effect of the anesthetic had passed, and the pain was terrible.

She opened her eyes in a cold sweat, coughed twice, moved the wound on her arm, and cried with pain.

"Wake up!" A voice came from the side.

Sheng Shuangxue looked over and saw Gong Mo, and burst into tears: "Mom-it hurts..."

"You know it hurts?!" Sheng Nanxuan's voice came.

Sheng Shuangxue looked over, his face was distressed and angrily yelled at her: "Do you dare to mess up?! Do you dare not listen to me!"

"Woo..." Sheng Shuangxue cried, "Dad...someone bullied me."

Sheng Nanxuan was taken aback, stretched out his hand to hug her, and vowed: "Don't worry, who dares to bully my baby, I will let him die!"

Sheng Shuangxue was choked, and hurriedly said: "Don't-don't be so cruel!"

Sheng Nanxuan pushed her away with anger: "You actually think I am cruel?"

"I mean... don't hurt the innocent." She suddenly thought of Gu Yunhao and said anxiously, "Where is Yun Hao! How is he?!" (to be continued~^~)

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