Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1871: Dad is reliable at the critical moment

When Guo Xiang chased them, he ordered: "I will chase Liu Qian! Leave the rest to you!"

After Gu Yunhao finished speaking, he ran down the sand dune with his gun on his back.

Liu Qian ran out of energy, and soon he was overtaken by him.

Knowing there was no way to escape, she grabbed the sand and threw it in his face.

Gu Yunhao avoided, rushed to hug her and rolled down the sand dunes.

Liu Qian grabbed the gun on his back and squeezed the trigger.

With a bang, the bullet flew backwards.

Gu Yunhao looked back and saw that his own person was chasing him and punched Liu Qian in the face with anger.

Liu Qian grunted and fell into the sand.

Gu Yunhao took off the gun and pointed it at her neck. She twisted her head and waved vigorously, and the gun fell off from Gu Yunhao's hand and fell into the sand not far away.

Gu Yunhao sneered, not having a gun! One shot ended her, too cheap for her!

He reached out and pressed Liu Qian to the ground. Liu Qian refused to admit defeat and grabbed his scalp.

The two struggled to separate in the sand. Guo Xiang and the others came over and saw it. They had no choice but to intervene, so they had to watch them by the side and wait until Gu Yunhao had enough vent.

Gu Yunhao clamped Liu Qian's neck, Liu Qian struggled twice, raised her right leg, reached out and drew a dagger from it, and cut him with her backhand.

He pushed her abruptly, Liu Qian staggered and turned her head to sneer: "You taught me this trick. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought of practicing kung fu well."

Gu Yunhao looked at her angrily.

The sound of the helicopter approached, and neither of them bothered.

Liu Qian knew that he would not just kill herself like this.

He would catch himself tortured, and ask for more things.

He even wanted to personally cut himself a thousand times in order to avenge his brother.

But how can she make him wish? She wants to let him respond forever!

She clenched the dagger tightly and was about to wipe it on her neck when she suddenly heard a female voice: "Yun Hao--"

She and he were both taken aback. They looked up and saw a helicopter hovering on the sand dunes, and everyone nearby stretched out their hands to block the sand.

A woman jumped off the rope ladder and walked towards them with one foot shallow and one deep.

"Gu Yunhao--" She stopped and shouted, and continued to walk down, accidentally falling down, rolling down the **** of the sand dune.

Gu Yunhao was anxious: "Shuangxue--"

Liu Qian narrowed her eyes, rushed towards Sheng Shuangxue, caught Sheng Shuangxue, and put the dagger under her neck.

Gu Yunhao took a breath and looked at them nervously.

"Cough——Bah——" Sheng Shuangxue spit out the sand in his mouth, "Let go! Let go of me!"

"You let her go!" Gu Yunhao shouted.

Liu Qian sneered: "Are you so nervous about her? Have you ever been nervous about me?"

"You don't accompany him to make him nervous!" Sheng Shuangxue shouted.

"You--" Liu Qian's eyes were fierce, and she gritted her teeth and wanted to give her a knife.

With a scream, a bullet flew into her wrist, and the dagger in her hand flew out.

"Ah—" Liu Qian cried out with pain in her wrist, and when she looked up, she saw a man sitting on the circling helicopter.

The man was cold, holding a sniper rifle, looking at her coldly, like a dead person.

Liu Qian trembled all over, knowing that she had no way to survive, and looked down at Sheng Shuangxue.

Sheng Shuangxue kicked her away!

Gu Yunhao rushed over, picked up Sheng Shuangxue, and said anxiously: "Are you okay?"

Sheng Shuangxue shook his head and looked up at the helicopter. Seeing Sheng Nanxuan handing the sniper rifle to the person next to him, he couldn't help saying: "Daddy is reliable at the critical moment." (To be continued~^~)

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