Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1882: Gong Bai Fanwai-Start

The plot begins with Chapter 1611 of this article-Ending: Farewell

The two walked out of the hospital from the ward in silence and walked along the wall of the hospital for a long time. Gong Bai suddenly stopped: "Go back, Lu Wei will be worried."

Yu Xinran looked at him, stretched out his hand to hug him, and took a deep breath: "If you came back to find me that year, I would not go with you."

He knew that she was comforting himself, telling him not to think about it and not to ask if.

"If I had gone back, would it be different?" He asked himself.

Actually she doesn't know, right?

Because there is no if in life.

He turned around, and the two of them drifted apart.

Maybe I will never see each other again in the future, maybe I will meet as often as an old friend, and greet everyone like nothing. But the feeling in my heart, even if there is, doesn't matter.

They lived all their lives, knowing that the earth-shattering love they thought when they were young is just a small thing. There are many more important things than love, but love is the most heartbreaking.

in fact……

That is not earth-shaking love.

Between Yu Xinran and Yu Xinran, it was nothing but reality. The damage caused to her that year made him worry about her unhappiness. Seeing that she had a good time, he finally let go of a worry.


After bidding farewell, Gong Bai returned to his home in Country M.

He has lived in this place for a long time, how many years has it been?

24 years? 25 years?

He can't remember.

When he first arrived in Country M, he had to move four or five times a year, and he always lived and was not satisfied.

This place was moved in the fourth year in country M.

A small independent villa, he was tired of living in the same building with many people, so he simply took out all his savings and rented the villa, and then he stayed in. After I had money, I bought it directly.

He knew that he would live here till death.

He always thought that falling in love with others was a betrayal to Yu Xinran, so he failed...

Gong Bai picked up the key and opened the door. He was taken aback and found that the lock had been opened.

He narrowed his eyes, stretched out a small pistol in the inner pocket of his suit and held it in his hand, then opened the door silently, flashed into the room like a ghost, and watched the movement vigilantly.

There were footsteps upstairs, accompanied by soft humming.

He walked upstairs slowly against the wall, halfway through, there was a ding-ding-dong-dong running upstairs, and someone came down.

He snorted in his heart: This little thief is really arrogant! Do you treat this as your home? !

Hearing the sound of footsteps reaching the corner of the stairs, he suddenly raised his gun: "Don't move—"

"Ah--" the woman screamed harshly.

Then a flower watering pot hit his head, and the lid of the pot fell off and hit him with water.

He slowly raised his head and saw a pair of feet wearing pink sandals on the ground at the top of the stairs, the feet were painted with pink toenails, and the straight white legs had no hair at all.

Further up, there is a pair of small pink hot pants, with a small and exquisite belly button exposed on the trousers, and a white tight-fitting T-shirt on the top. The small but full **** is ready to come out...

Wearing a diamond-encrusted fishbone necklace...

Gong Bai felt that the necklace was a bit familiar. He couldn't remember it for a while, and then he saw the other party's face.

A young, beautiful and energetic girl who looks less than twenty years old.

Gong Bai's eyes widened suddenly, and he blurted out: "Xiaodie..."

When the girl heard this, she immediately put away the guilty conscience and fear on her face, and walked down arrogantly with her chin raised.

When she walked to him and confronted the gun in his hand, she stepped back in shock.

Gong Bai immediately put away the gun and grabbed her: "Xiaodie--"

"Ah-what are you doing!" the girl yelled. (To be continued~^~)

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