Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1884: I'll take care of you from now on

"It's okay, I moved back to my original room." Gong Bai took a few steps and said helplessly, "Did you not find men's clothes in the closet?"

I can live in this way, my heart is really big.

"It's a pity that I don't like the decoration style of other rooms!" Huo Phoenix snorted, "Who knows your quirks..."

"Forget it, live, I'll move the clothes away."

Fire Phoenix was startled, and followed him and asked, "How many years have you lived in that room?"

"For more than twenty years."

"It's been so long!" Fire Phoenix screamed, "Then I won't live anymore, give me a new room!"

Gong Bai glanced at her, "There is nothing new for the time being, you choose one first, and you will call someone to redesign and decorate tomorrow."

"Then I want the one my mother lived in!" Fire Phoenix said immediately.

Gong Bai was stunned.

He was reluctant to give up the room Huodie lived in, but it didn't matter to him and her daughter, right?

He went to tidy up his clothes, then went to the kitchen to cook, and asked, "How did you eat recently?"

"Call for takeaway~"

Gong Bai opened the refrigerator and found that there were no vegetables or fruits.

He glanced at her: "You don't even eat fruit?"

"You want to control me!" Fire Phoenix leaned on the sofa and gave him a blank look.

"I'm your dad!" he said solemnly, "you will be under my control from now on!"

"On the first day you met, you killed me!" Fire Phoenix jumped up dissatisfied, "You hate it!"

"I know you may be dissatisfied with me." Gong Bai said calmly, "Maybe still hate me in my heart, because I left you and your mother for so many years...When did you know me?"

"When mom is going to die."

He nodded, heartbroken.

How much does Huodie hate him, telling his children his existence when he is dying?

"Then you should hate me even more." He said, "but this can't be a reason for your nonsense!"

"How can I behave?!" Fire Phoenix shouted.

"Break into a home without permission is the first. Even if I owe you a lot, I will never get used to you. If you fail to learn, I am sorry Hudie."

"Ah--" Fire Phoenix yelled, "If my mother insisted on asking me to come to you, I wouldn't come!"

Seeing her like this, Gong Bai was afraid that she would run away, and sighed and said, "Well, you can do whatever you want, and find me if you have anything."

What a big deal she caused the trouble, he took care of her.

He said: "Just tell me what you want, as long as you are happy. I'll go shopping first, you are free."

Upon hearing this, Fire Phoenix was finally satisfied.

Gong Bai walked to the door and asked back, "Would you like to go with me?"

"Who is going? Buying vegetables is what your old man does!"

"Then don't run around at home."

He was really worried that she would mess around while he was away, and it would be okay to shake the sky at home. What if she goes out and encounters danger?

He didn't dare to go far, and went to the supermarket closest to his home to choose a few ingredients and came back quickly.

After entering the door, I was relieved to see her sitting on the sofa playing games.

Just don't run around.

He saw her character, it shouldn't be difficult to manage.

He went into the kitchen to cook, and Phoenix looked up and smiled triumphantly.

An hour later, she walked to the door of the kitchen dissatisfied and asked, "Is it all right? I'm going to starve to death!"


"It's really slow!" She turned and walked away, "If you get old, you can find a servant! I knew I wouldn't come to you!"

"Okay—" he said helplessly, "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just made a few more."

When the fire phoenix heard it, he ran into the kitchen, just in time to see him bring out the grilled fish from the oven.

She swallowed: "What else?"

"A few Chinese dishes." He said, "Are you willing to help?"

She paused, snorted and turned away.

Gong Bai shook his head and brought out the dishes. She was already sitting at the table, rubbing her hands and waiting.

He slowly set the tableware, opened a bottle of juice, and filled the glass.

"Is there no wine?" she asked. (To be continued~^~)

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