"OK~" Huodie got out of bed, pulled out the infusion needle and walked out, feeling a little weak.

She got it done quickly from the doctor, and Gong Bai led her out of the hospital and stopped the taxi to leave.

She hung her head, glanced at her clothes, and didn't care how she changed them.

Back to Gong Bai's residence, Gong Bai went to the study to get a pistol, and she waited outside the door.

Gong Mo held the gun, felt its temperature and weight, and knew how deadly it contained.

It's a pity that he doesn't know how to use a gun and doesn't know how to take out the bullet inside. It is very dangerous to give it back to her like this.

He held the gun for a while and thought it was okay.

Just die. Anyway, since breaking up with Yu Xinran, he has long been like a corpse, and he is no different from death.

Walking out of the room, he handed her the gun, "I changed the clothes for you, I hope you don't mind, because..."

"It's okay." She interrupted his explanation lightly, took out the magazine and looked at it.

Gong Mo choked and looked at her puzzled.

She blushed as soon as she approached her to speak. It was strange that she didn't care anymore.

"How much did it cost to go to the hospital?" she asked suddenly.

"Uh..." Gong Bai blushed, "Don't worry about that."

"I don't want to owe you, you have saved my life." She paused and laughed at herself, "Or spare my life. When I faint, you can call the police, or kill me with a gun yourself."

"Sorry, I haven't killed anyone, nor can I use a gun."

She suddenly smiled, "Just get used to this kind of murder."

"..." Gong Bai's scalp was numb. It looks like she is really a killer!

"I will send you a check next day!" Huodie turned around and left.

"I said no!" Gong Bai said anxiously.

"You deserve it!" Huodie walked downstairs, "I don't want to owe you my life!"

Gong Bai followed, and after going downstairs, she just saw her back disappearing from the gate.

He sighed and walked over to open the door.

The rain has completely stopped, the air outside is fresh and cool, and there are traces of water on the ground, but there is no sign of her.

It's really fast.

Gong Bai turned around and walked in, rubbing his neck tiredly.

He had no food for the whole night.

I have to get up early tomorrow, and eat, hurry up to sleep, so as not to be late for work.


In the morning, Gong Bai put the prepared breakfast on the dining table, sat down facing the French windows, and began to eat.

He was eating while looking at the scenery outside the house.

The glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows vaguely reflected the furniture behind him, and suddenly, a figure appeared on the stairs.

Gong Bai was drinking water, and suddenly froze.

Fire Butterfly is back?

He slowly turned his head, not Huodie, but a white man of about 40 or 50 years old.

The man was wearing a light blue denim shirt and white-washed denim trousers, with a pair of brogues on his feet, slowly descending the stairs, full of energy. He was full of wildness, as if he was only thirty years old, very attractive.

Gong Bai puffed out the water from his mouth.

Doesn't he live alone? Why is there always someone at home?

The woman is gone and the man is here, the young is gone, the old is here, what do you think of him here? !

The man looked up, as if he was in his own home, and asked him: "Did anyone come to you last night?"

Gong Bai's face changed, his eyes flashed, and he looked at the opponent.

Could it be the police who came to track down Fire Butterfly?

He couldn't help but feel a little angry: How could the police break into the house without knowing it knocked on the door!

"Huh?" The man looked at him.

He pretended to be stupid: "What did you say?" (to be continued~^~)

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