Gong Bai was helpless and told her to take the tableware.

She was so excited that she almost fell the bowl.

Gong Bai was speechless for a while. Does this child do much housework?

When eating, she was also very excited.

Gong Bai suddenly realized that she was not proficient in her movements and asked, "You didn't use chopsticks before?"

"Um..." Huodie paused, nodded, and continued to eat beef.

Gong Bai did not speak any more. In the past few years, he has become accustomed to being a person and can no longer talk.

Fire butterfly eats seriously, gnawing meat like a child.

Gong Bai glanced, couldn't help being funny.

In his opinion, this must be because the dishes he cooked are so good! He was naturally happy that she could support her.

Huodie suddenly raised his head, seeing him looking at him, blushed and lowered his head, picking up the sweet and sour ribs and continuing to gnaw.

Gong Bai suddenly didn't understand this girl. She looks like a killer who has gone through vicissitudes of life, but she also looks like an ignorant girl who has just entered society.

He asked: "Is it delicious?"

Fire Butterfly nodded hurriedly, looking at him with bright eyes: "Do you always cook by yourself?"


"You live alone?"

Gong Bai was puzzled, why did she ask this? Still nodded.

Huodie said excitedly: "I think you have a lot of rooms here, it's better to rent one for me~"

Gong Bai is speechless. Is it possible that she is interested in her own cooking and wants to live together and eat every day?

Is there a mistake! Today is an accident, OK! Except for Yu Xinran, he still doesn't want to cook for the second woman every day!

He sternly refused: "I am not used to living with others."

Huodie asked pitifully, "Is it really impossible? I can't sleep in a room..."

Gong Bai choked: "I also rent a house!"

"Do you need to inform the landlord?"

"It's not the problem. It's that I need privacy, or why would I live so spacious by myself?"

Huodie looked around and said, "I thought you had money."

"I--" Gong Bai was speechless.

In order to save her, he would bankrupt his family, okay!

But this is also to blame for him, pursuing the quality of life is more willful. I don’t dare to rent such a big and good house with such a small income after changing anyone.

Gong Bai can accept the occasional wave of life as an adjustment, but he does not want earth-shaking changes.

It is absolutely imperative to let her stay.

He had an idea: "By the way, someone came to you after you left last time."

Fire Butterfly was shocked, and the whole person gasped and looked at him in horror.

Her whole face changed. Just now, it clearly felt a little innocent, but at the moment it was cold and vigilant.

"He seems to be very powerful. I will definitely not be able to beat him, but I am not an opponent with psychological tactics. But I did not betray you. He left his business card and told me to call him when I saw you." Gong Bai stared calmly She, "How did you offend him?"

Fire Butterfly gritted his teeth and said, "I almost killed his woman."

"...No wonder."

"Where's his business card?"

Gong Bai was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

"Give it to me! I'll find him!" Huodie stood up, "Rather than waiting for him to find me and make me nervous, it's better for me to come and kill him once and for all!"

Gong Bai was shocked: Where is this ignorant girl? ! It's so cruel!

"You don't know him?" He wondered. Why else do you want a business card?

"Who knows him! I know him all over the world—" Huodie paused, "Add you about two."

"..." Do you want to be so exaggerated, it sounds very tragic. (To be continued~^~)

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