Huodie got up and was stunned when he saw his blushing face.

She went back slowly and looked at him idiotically.

He is full of alcohol, intoxicating smell, and very fragrant. His face is charming, perfect as a gift from heaven.

She stretched out her hand, touched his face gingerly, then immediately retracted and looked at him nervously.

Seeing that he didn't respond, she finally got up boldly, holding her breath, slowly covering his face, and gently stroking back and forth.

The two had been together for almost two years, and she had already been moved by him, but his unpredictable attitude made her scared.

But at this moment, he was so behaved and let her do whatever she wanted, and she was finally willing to face the feeling in her heart.

She retracted her hand, looked around nervously, then lowered her head like a thief, and quickly kissed him on the cheek.

In the next second, her face flushed completely.

She covered her face and quickly got up, turned and ran out of the room.

When she returned to her room, her heart was beating. But she was as happy as a bird, spinning in the room, falling lightly on the bed, her eyes shiningly looking at the ceiling and crystal lamp.

She pulled up the quilt and laughed eagerly, her eyes curled like crescents.

Starting tomorrow, she will like him well.


Gong Bai got up late because of a hangover.

Walked into the kitchen and saw a note posted on the refrigerator——

[The porridge is in the pot, the cake is on the stove, remember to eat it hot. You can find me for lunch at noon-Butterfly]

Gong Bai took off the note and looked at the sentence "The porridge is in the pot, and the cake is on the stove."

There is a flirting line called "The rice is in the pot, I am on the bed." She shouldn't understand this, right?

Or is he too dirty to associate in this regard?

He threw the note into the trash can, opened the pot, filled a bowl of porridge, and put it into the microwave with the cake.

Two years ago, Fire Butterfly could hardly do anything. Now I can clean and cook a few simple dishes.

At noon, of course he did not go to her for dinner.

The two lived under the same roof, and he didn't want anything ambiguous to happen.

Occasionally, he found that Huodie looked at him differently, and didn't know if it was affectionate.

But in any case, he must try to avoid something, because he no longer wants to touch feelings.


It was almost noon, Huodie craned her neck and looked around at the shop where she worked, wondering if Gong Bai would come.

She took her cell phone to call Gong Bai and asked, "Did you see my note?"

"I see." Gong Bai is cooking at home, "Thank you for breakfast."

"Then are you coming to have lunch together?"

"No. Your lunch break is so short, it's still not troublesome."

Fire Butterfly asked disappointedly: "What about dinner?"

"No need."

"You're really boring!" Huodie couldn't help but said, "You stay at home during the holidays? Can't you come out and see the beautiful world outside?"

"Nothing to look at."

"You--you are like a retired old man!" Huodie hung up angrily.

After get off work, she did not eat out and hurried home.

She bought some ingredients, put them in the kitchen after entering the door, and then ran upstairs.

At this time, she guessed that he was watering the flowers, went to the door of the flower room, and she saw him.

She sorted out her emotions, opened the door and greeted him with a smile: "Hi~"

Gong Bai looked up: "Are you back?"

"Yeah!" Seeing that he was willing to take care of himself, Huodie was extremely happy, jumped over and said, "Shall I come?"

"No need. You just got off work, go to rest."

"Not tired~" Huodie glanced at him with lingering eyes and asked with a blushing face, "Have you had dinner?" (to be continued~^~)

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