Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1906: In order to avoid her

He was taken aback and hurriedly put down the tea cup in his hand and walked over.

He opened the window she didn't touch and yelled at her: "What are you doing?!"

"Wipe the glass~" Huodie raised his hand and turned the rag in his hand.

"You... come in for me!" Gong Bai backed away angrily.

Huodie smiled successfully and immediately jumped in on the windowsill.

Gong Bai took a deep breath: "Are you looking for death? You need to wipe the glass here?!"

He always finds a cleaning company to clean it regularly!

"Who told you to ignore me..." Huodie grumbled aggrievedly.


She raised her eyes and looked at him pitifully: "Are you angry?"


"Liar! Why are you ignoring me?"

"I..." How did he tell her? He just wanted to stay away from her!

"Is it wrong to wash your clothes?" she muttered.

Gong Bai took a deep breath and said seriously: "It's right to wash clothes, I'm very grateful. But there are differences between men and women, and it's not right to wash together.

"I don't mind—"

"I mind!" he yelled.

Fire Butterfly suffocated, feeling a little embarrassed.

She threw the rag on his face angrily and rushed out of the room.

Bastard! Bastard!

She don't like him anymore! Bastard!

The two began a cold war, or a unilateral cold war by Huodie, because Gong Bai has always had that attitude. She always took the initiative to talk to him, and he didn't care about her life or death.

The more Huodie thinks about it, the more sad it gets. He secretly observes his expression every day and finds that he doesn't care how the two get along.

Being a stranger may be his most satisfactory state.

Soon, the Chinese New Year came again.

Two days before New Year’s Eve, during breakfast, Huodie finally lowered her face and asked, “It’s coming, how can we spend this year?”

"I took leave and want to go home." Gong Bai said calmly.

"Huh?" Huodie was blank, "Go back, go home?"

"Yes." He looked at her and said frankly, "I haven't been home for many years. I plan to go back and see. You go home too."

"I..." Her face changed and she lowered her face sadly, "I don't have a home..."

He pursed his lips and said nothing.

Huodie looked at him: "I, can I go with you?"

He refused without thinking: "No way."


"Then you are here alone."

"It's dangerous, I'm a girl!"

He couldn't help but smile, "You are only dangerous when others meet you. This is what you said."

"What if King comes back!" she asked excitedly.

He was silent, and it took a long time to say: "Even if he comes back, I can't stop him here."

"But you can make apple pie! That woman loves it!"

"You will do it now too. Don't be afraid." He curled his lips slightly, "Just so."

Fire Butterfly knew that there was no other way, and she felt very sad.

She always felt that he was trying to hide from her.

She lowered her head and wiped her tears flusteredly, "Then when will you leave? When will you come back?"

"Leave the day after tomorrow and come back after the Lantern Festival."

Huodie was stunned for a while, and cried sadly: "That is to say, do I have to spend the festival alone this year? I will spend it alone on New Year's Eve, on New Year's Day, and the Lantern Festival by myself..."

"Fire Butterfly..." Gong Bai suddenly couldn't bear it, "Don't be like this."

"I'm used to being with you..." Huodie cried loudly, "I have no one in this world, I only have you...uuu..."

When Gong Bai heard her say this, he couldn't promise her anymore, he stood up suddenly: "I have arranged it. I have my life, I can't be with you..."

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