Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1909: I don't need to explain to you

Gong Bai wiped his face and looked at the sea.

Old K suddenly asked: "You said, will she go to your house? Is that woman still in your house?"

Gong Bai's eyebrows beat, and he became worried.

"I have to go and see!" Old K said.

Gong Bai hesitated. He didn't want to go back to face Fire Butterfly so early, but Old K grabbed him back without any explanation.


Fire Butterfly stood in the flower room, poking his hand at the Guanyin lotus in front of him: "When will your master come back? He doesn't want you anymore. What are you doing so strong? Hurry up! And you—"

She turned and looked at the Phalaenopsis: "It's not blooming yet, what's the use of raising you?!"

She counted down the flowers and plants raised by Gong Bai one by one, and suddenly, the sound of a car came.

She turned her head and saw a taxi slowly approaching the villa. Seeing the car stopped at the door of the villa, she was overjoyed and hurried downstairs.

Gong Bai is back!

He must be back!

When she ran to the door, she opened the door, and she saw Gong Bai getting out of the car. She was about to pounce, and saw old K coming down from the other side, and she was frightened back.

Gong Bai stood there looking at her and saw that she was unscathed. It is estimated that Yu Qinghuan had never been there, and he secretly relieved.

Old K stretched, turned around and looked at Huodie, and said to Gong Bai, "Don't you invite Master in for a drink?"

"Who recognizes you as a master!" Gong Bai called.

"If you touch my whip, you are my apprentice."

Gong Bai had a meal and sneered: "You are cold-blooded and ruthless. What's so good about being your apprentice?"

"I have retired now. I am cold-blooded and ruthless to anyone, and I will not be cold-blooded and ruthless to the apprentice I received myself!

Gong Bai didn't bother to care about him, and quickly walked into the villa with his suitcase. Huodie hurriedly asked: "Why did he come? Are you okay?"

"No..." Gong Bai said helplessly, "The visitor is a guest, don't worry about him."

"..." Regardless of whether the customer seemed wrong. But Huodie was a little afraid of Old K. Seeing him walking in, he crawled and ran to Gong Bai's side.

Old K looked around and asked her, "Have Qinghuan been here?"


"Who are you talking about? That foodie!"

Fire Butterfly was speechless for a while, and said: "I haven't been here!"

"I thought she was coming to clean you up."

Huodie was dull, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

She always went to Yu Qinghuan, and Yu Qinghuan didn't bother to take care of her, and she was not Yu Qinghuan's opponent at all.

Gong Bai walked upstairs carrying the box, she hurriedly followed, and asked in a low voice: "Why are you with him?"

Gong Bai glanced at her and said sternly, "He wants to accept me as an apprentice."


"I'm thinking, should I agree to him." Gong Bai sighed and opened the box and began to organize his luggage.

Fire Butterfly felt very hurt!

He knew that the old man almost killed her, but he still wanted to recognize him as a master. Does he have her in his heart?

Huodie bit her lip and was about to say something when suddenly she saw a few boarding passes in his box.

She picked it up and looked at Gong Bai, "What are you doing?"

Huodie turned around to avoid it, took a quick look at the details, and then turned and asked, "Didn't you say you are going home? Why did you go abroad?!"

"...I don't need to explain to you, right?"

Fire Butterfly choked, threw the boarding pass on his face, and ran out crying.

When she left, she almost ran into old K.

Old K hurriedly avoided and asked Gong Bai: "What's the matter? A quarrel?"

Gong Bai had a headache and continued to organize his luggage. At the bottom of the box, he saw a wooden sculpture with ethnic characteristics. (To be continued~^~)

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