"...Hmm." Huodie agreed absently.

He said he would be nice to her, he was really nice to her. If she was a fool, everything would look perfect and she would be happy.

But she is not a fool!

She knew that her perfection and happiness were stolen. What he really likes and cares about is a person called Xinran, not her.


They prepared slowly. There were no guests and there was no need to prepare anything, but they dragged on for two years.

Two years later, Gong Bai bought the rented house, and the wedding dress designed for her arrived. The two began to discuss the details of the wedding.

Gong Bai inevitably remembered Yu Xinran, suppressed the emotions in his heart, and told himself: You can't be sorry for Huodie, you can't! The heart is already in the past tense, you should forget and start again.

He asked Huodie: "Is it your room or my room?"

Fire Butterfly was taken aback.

In the past two years, the two often spent the night together, basically in his room. If she didn't take the initiative to make him, he would never ask her.

Huodie suddenly felt that she was so cheap!

He doesn't need it at all! She took the initiative to send it up!

What are you here for this wedding?

She lowered her head and asked with tears: "Is it... OK?"

"Of course." He smiled, "You have the final say, you are the biggest in the family."

Huodie suddenly looked up at him, and he was startled when he saw the tears in her eyes.

"what happened to you?"

"I don't think it should end." Huodie stood up and exclaimed irritably, "It's boring! It's boring! You don't care about me at all! You don't like me! If so, why are you responsible? I don't want you to be responsible, I don't care! I just want you to like me!"

Gong Bai was dumbfounded, got up and held her down: "What's wrong with you? Is it premarital phobia? I like you—"

"Enough!" Huodie shook him away, "You are becoming more and more proficient in lying now. Do you really like me? Then I ask you, who is it?"

Gong Bai looked at her in shock.

She sobbed with tears in her eyes: "You are often drunk and call her when you sleep. I dare not ask you... I'm afraid I can't stay with you anymore."

"Xiaodie--" Gong Bai panicked. There was a feeling that she couldn't stay by his side when she said this.

"Now I should go." She cried, "I will never treat you badly again!"

"Xiaodie!" Gong Bai rushed over, trying to hug her.

She slammed him away, pushed him to the ground, turned and walked out of the villa.

Gong Bai got up and chased it out.

Fire Butterfly ran for two steps and stopped suddenly.

Gong Bai rushed up: "Xiaodie--"

Huodie turned around, stretched out his hand and slashed heavily on his shoulder, and he fainted suddenly.

Before his consciousness disappeared, he cursed in his heart.

I didn't chase her last time, this time I was stunned by her. If he had known him as an apprentice to K, he might be able to catch this trick.

When he woke up, he was lying on the bed with a quilt.

There was some pain in his neck, he sat up with his neck and saw a note on the head of the bed.

He picked it up and took a look. It said-I know I'm very annoying and won't come back again. Don't worry.

Not even signed.

Gong Bai dropped his hand and the note fell to the ground.

He doesn't believe she will leave! After a while, he got up and went out to find her.

There was no sign of her everywhere. He went to her room and found that she had taken her clothes away and the wedding dress left.

(To be continued~^~)

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