Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1916: Phoenix is ​​Fire Butterfly?

When Gong Bai heard this, he said seriously: "I have said this very clearly. It is between us that you refuse to recognize me, not me—"

"I don't know what's wrong with you!" Fenghuang shouted, "Who told you to be sorry for my mother!"

Gong Mo was silent for a while, then nodded: "Yes...I'm sorry for her."

Seeing his face full of remorse, Phoenix bit his lip and asked, "Do you regret it?"

Gong Bai raised her head and met her eyes. She looked at him fixedly, with stubbornness and expectation in her eyes, like a fire butterfly.

Gong Bai remembered that after having a relationship with Huodie, the two naturally became lovers. From then on, Huodie became sentimental and worried about gains and losses, always pulling him and asking: "Do you like me? How much do you like me?"

Sometimes it is jokingly asked, sometimes it is willful, and sometimes it is wronged... But the only difference is the careful and serious look in the eyes.

He never thought about the reason at that time. He thought it was too long since he had not seen her, he had rejected her before, and she really liked him, so she would naturally feel insecure.

How did she know that she had to figure it out because she heard him call someone else's name.

The look in Phoenix's eyes now is exactly the same as that of the Fire Butterfly at that time.

Gong Bai was in a trance for a moment and became excited.

When Phoenix saw her, she immediately looked away: "Mom said you never liked her. Why would I ask this? You won't regret it! Maybe you are still glad that she has finally gone!"

"Of course—" Gong Bai was anxious to argue, suddenly his inspiration flashed and he was taken aback.

Phoenix immediately looked at him, staring wide-eyed and asked, "Of course what!"

"How can I tell you this?" Gong Bai's eyes flashed and he lowered his eyes, "I will tell your mother myself."

"She is dead!"

"Then you take me to worship her!"

"...Heh!" Phoenix began to twist, "I want to be beautiful!"

Gong Bai glanced at her suspiciously, suspicious in his heart.

Fire Butterfly...Fire Butterfly...

Is Fire Butterfly really dead?

Even mother and daughter can’t be like this, right?

Could it be... the Phoenix is ​​the Fire Butterfly?

Although the current Phoenix is ​​a bit more youthful and lively than the original Fire Butterfly, he has not forgotten that monster Yu Qinghuan-eternal youth and immortality.

It is said that Huodie wanted to chase Yu Qinghuan, but Yu Qinghuan said he didn't know why. He asked her about the origin of Huodie, and Yu Qinghuan said coldly: "I don't know!"

Is it possible that Huodie experienced those things like Yu Qinghuan?

If that were the case, she was as not old as Yu Qinghuan, and the person in front of her... might not be a phoenix, but a fire butterfly.

Gong Bai took a deep look at Phoenix and felt that he was startled again.

How could he think like this?

In case she is really your own daughter, can you equate her with your own woman? Fire Butterfly will not be so foolish, right!


Gong Bai and Fenghuang live under the same roof. There is constant friction between them, but she is his daughter. What can he do? Forbearance!

Phoenix is ​​a wayward rebellious girl who dances in the yard every day wearing hot pants. The neighbors around him, whether they are white or black, come to strike up a conversation with her, and are extremely courteous to her.

After getting acquainted, she will go racing and clubbing with the group of people.

Gong Bai could bear everything else, but this one couldn't bear it. He said to her, "If you don't study, go to work! Don't mix up like this!"

"Why am I out of work? I'm a racing baby for the racing team!"

(To be continued~^~)

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