Phoenix looked at King. King was about to shoot again. She coldly said to Gong Bai, "Leave first."

Gong Bai suddenly raised his head and looked at King.

King smiled, retracted his gun and said, "I want to see how you can escape."

Gong Bai stretched out his hand to pull up the table flag on the coffee table, flipped all the fruits on the cup to the ground, and then tore a strand of artery that tied Phoenix's arm.

He picked her up and walked out, walked to the door, and was blocked by King's men.

Phoenix raised her eyes—she was pale at the moment, her mouth trembled slightly, and she looked very bad.

But she suddenly put her hands on Gong Bai's shoulders and gave him a push.

The two fell to the ground at the same time, and Gong Bai said anxiously: "Xiaodie!"

Phoenix got up, picked up the fruit knife on the ground and rushed towards King.

King responded quickly and avoided, but was still caught by her. She threw herself on his back, put the knife across her neck, and shouted, "Let's go!"

King tried to throw her over the shoulder, but found that it was impossible.

He was shocked and turned to look at her.

Her face was pale, but her eyes were too bright, staring at him coldly, making him feel terrified for a moment.

He shivered subconsciously and asked: "Who are you?!"

Such a look is impossible for an ordinary person.

She is also a killer?

By the way, she and Gong Bai killed the boss on the island of Crete together, and obviously they were also peers.

However, when there is such a number one in the killer world, why doesn't he know?

Phoenix approached his ear and said, "I have experienced more evil than you have ever seen. Don't challenge my cruelty."

King threw her out abruptly, she screamed painfully, and rolled a few times on the ground.

"Phoenix!" Gong Bai rushed over to hug her, raised his head and shouted to King, "What the **** are you going to do! You want my life, take it!"

Phoenix leaned on him and opened his eyes to look at King.

King drew his gun and strode towards her, aiming the gun to her head.

"Stop it!" Gong Bai roared, reaching out and grabbing the gun, turning the muzzle towards him.

King stared at Phoenix, who stared at him dumbly, causing him to frown.

What have you experienced to have such a pair of eyes?

He has killed many people, experienced hell-like training on earth, and knows a lot of dirty things... still can't understand.

When Gong Bai saw them looking at each other and looking at Phoenix, he was also startled by the look in her eyes.


These three letters appeared in his mind.

Only the experience there can make her show such an expression, right?

He hugged her fiercely, raised his head and said to King: "Let us go, I will be sent by you in the future."

King looked at him, gently retracted the gun, turned and sighed out the window: "Let's go... I didn't intend to kill you. I don't want to be an enemy of the old man. If you meet him, remember to say hello to me. "

He couldn't help smiling wryly.

Rather than killing old K and becoming the real king, he expects himself to be a little different in old K's heart.

If he killed Gong Bai, Old K would kill him without hesitation... he would be sad.

If he doesn't become an enemy, he can still imagine: maybe in old K's heart, he is a different existence, after all, when he leaves, he prefers to take over. Later, I overpowered everyone and became the new king by strength...

(To be continued~^~.)

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