There was the sound of fighting outside, Yu Qinghuan frowned, and stretched out his hand to look at his palm.

There are joys, and naturally there are worries.

With her current physical condition, she couldn't escape by herself, let alone destroy the entire laboratory.

She sighed in her heart, what can we do...

She got up and walked out of the room and saw a group of people fighting with number 1.

No. 1 is like a giant, so everyone dare not approach. Everyone was holding anesthesia guns, ropes, wooden sticks...While preventing him from approaching, they wanted to surrender him.

A rope flew to No. 1, and No. 1 stretched out his hand to grasp it easily, and then pulled, and the person on the other end of the rope flew towards him.

"Ah—" the man screamed in horror.

No. 1 grabbed him, raised him above his head, and smashed into the crowd.

I don’t know who is screaming: "Go! Go! He's still going crazy!"

Everyone quickly retreated, and No. 1 chased after him, and a flying claw hit his leg. He stopped immediately, and the flying claw pulled forward, pulling away a piece of meat from his leg.

He frowned, and when he walked forward, his feet were a little lame. Those people had already escaped by this time and were locked.

No. 1 yelled up to the sky, turned around and grabbed the desk and instruments in the room and smashed it.

Some fragments flew to Yu Qinghuan, Yu Qinghuan let out a pain, and immediately hid in the small room.

No.1 stopped, limped in, reached out and carried her to her.

"Ah -" Yu Qinghuan cried out in pain.

With great strength, he lifted her up easily and off the ground. She felt very uncomfortable and struggled with his arm.

He stretched out his other hand, took her messy hand, and fiddled with a white plastic ring on her hand.

It was worn by the laboratory for her, she couldn't take it off, and her number was engraved on it.

"Seventeen." The man took a look, put her down, then limped back to sit by the bed.

Yu Qinghuan leaned against the wall and took a breath, walked over and looked at the wound on his leg, and asked, "Do you hurt?"

He looked up at her, closed his eyes and lay on the bed.

Yu Qinghuan thought for a while, turned around and went to the operating room outside, and found alcohol and gauze in the damaged tatters.

She took the things back, sat in front of him, and said flatly, "Without medicine, they dare not use their medicine. You can disinfect it."

No. 1 suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her.

She raised her eyes to look at the monitor on the ceiling, then leaned down close to his ear and said, "You can escape if you live."

No. 1 looked down, her long eyelashes casting shadows on her skin. He whispered: "He won't let me live."

Yu Qinghuan: "..."

He raised his hand to cover his eyes, turned his head to face the wall, motionless.

Yu Qinghuan was stunned, and didn't care about him.

She turned her head to look at everything around her, curled up and started crying.

Is this a dream?

Do you wake up after you sleep?

She closed her eyes, but couldn't sleep, and her brain remained awake. Suddenly hearing the sound of closing the door, she woke up suddenly, and the number 1 next to her turned over and sat up.

She didn't know what was going on and looked at him.

He got up and walked out of the room, Yu Qinghuan immediately followed, and saw that the door of the operation room was closed, but there were two more stainless steel lunch boxes at the door, which contained food.

She glanced at him, and he walked over to take one of them and returned to the room to eat.

Yu Qinghuan frowned, feeling a little hungry, so he had to take another copy, brought it back to the room, and sat next to him.

(To be continued~^~.)

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