Yu Qinghuan got up immediately and drew her clothes.

Her brain was blank, and she felt a little scared.

She escaped Sheng Zhongtian's claws, will she be ruined by this person again?

No. 1 threw on the door and started smashing it.

Liu Xuelan outside the door said: "Withdraw first and lock all doors!"

A group of people evacuated immediately and locked the door heavily.

In the corridor outside the gate, a barrier will drop every one meter. No. 1 can smash one, but it is impossible to smash everything.

However, these barriers are not activated anytime and anywhere, because they are too cumbersome, so they are prepared to prevent runaway subjects. If the subject does not lose control or has no emergencies, it will not use it.

Yu Qinghuan knows that this is also because the facilities here are not good enough.

At the place of SRC, as time goes by, the materials used to construct the experimental equipment are getting better and better. Even after the transformation, she has something that can't be done. So in the end, he would escape when the entire base camp was taken away.

The laboratory of Shengshi Medicine is nothing, but she is nothing at the moment. As for the number 1 in front of me... I don't know how much he can do.

No. 1 suddenly gave up smashing the door and fell back.

Yu Qinghuan was surprised, turned over and sat up, leaning against the wall and looking at her warily.

He leaped over and pulled her into his arms, bowed his head and kissed.

Yu Qinghuan widened his eyes suddenly, hurriedly pushed him away, exclaiming: "What are you doing?!"

"Kiss you." He held her face and smiled softly, his expression becoming gentle.

Yu Qinghuan was in a daze, and hurriedly said: "Don't be like this! This is not a business, we have to find a way to escape! I am not theirs! I am a reporter and broke in by myself! I remember the way I came and can really help you !"

No. 1 reached out and stroked her lips, and looked at her with dark eyes: "I do need your help, you smell very good..."

"I..." Yu Qinghuan stared at him with wide eyes.

He lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I think, no matter how much medicine I can take, as long as you are there."

Yu Qinghuan pushed him away angrily, "Don't think of me as a fool! It's a matter of life and death, do you only remember Fenghuaxueyue?"

"I want to escape too." He whispered, "but what do you have? It's worth my cooperation with you? You think I'm a little bit destructive, you want me to take you out?"

Yu Qinghuan's heart jumped, a little guilty. He actually sees through it, can you still use him?

He said in her ear: "What bargaining chip can you give?"

"I..." Yu Qinghuan looked at him, gritted his teeth and went out.

As long as you can escape, you can give anything! For life, nothing else is worthless!

She gritted her teeth and said: "What do you want? Take it!"

He was stunned, stretched out his hand to hug her, took a light breath on her body, and said in a dream, "You smell so good, you smell of clear spring and dew."


He let go of her, lifted her chin, and put a kiss on her lips, suddenly feeling refreshed in his brain.

He only wanted to kiss, but he couldn't stop when he touched it, so he hugged her tightly and kissed her hard.

Yu Qinghuan was a little angry and frowned, but compared to freedom and life, what is this?

She held back the anger in her heart, clenched her hands into fists, and did not resist.

In fact, she tried to resist.

Using her eyes and brain in her previous life, she could destroy the surrounding magnetic field and make the network, electricity, etc. abnormal; with a fist clenched, she could shake people out...

But at this moment, she tried, but there was no response.

(To be continued~^~.)

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