Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1954: I can only blame her for being so attractive

The computer was disconnected from the Internet, and he began to search the hard disk for information. However, the hard disk is empty, and it appears to have been deleted manually.

He wants to recover, but the technology is not good. He studied finance at university, and his computer skills are average.

In order not to miss any chance, he turned on all the computers and rummaged through everything in the operating room.

He also turned over the books that disgusted him—maybe he could find a way to control his body.

"Sheng Lingren..." Yu Qinghuan's trembling voice came.

He was stunned, raised his head, and for a while, the book in his hand fell to the ground.

She hid behind the cubicle door, her hair hanging down to her side with wet hair, her white arms holding a drenched clothes against her chest, and the skin of her arms, face and collarbone were covered with water drops.

Sheng Ling's throat tightened and he couldn't move his eyes.

Yu Qinghuan said awkwardly: "My clothes are wet, can you give me a piece of clothing?"

As soon as Sheng Ling heard this, he immediately returned to his senses, stood up and touched himself-he only wore a pair of shorts and had no clothes for her.

Yu Qinghuan said: "Beside... there are work clothes."

When Sheng Lingren took a look, there were several white coats hanging on the hanger next to him. He took one, walked towards her sideways, and handed it to her with his backhand.

Yu Qinghuan took the clothes: "You turned off the water, there is no switch inside."

"Hmm..." Sheng Lingren responded and walked to the console and pressed the switch.

The sound of water inside immediately stopped, and Yu Qinghuan returned to get dressed.

After getting dressed, she came out with her previously soaked clothes, pushed the things on a desk to the ground, and put the clothes on.

Sheng Lingren took a look at her and found that she was only wearing a white coat and her legs were exposed in the air, and she couldn't help but feel mad.

He couldn't help but cursing at himself: It's all closed at the ghost door, how can he still think about it? !

No no no...

This is not to blame him! I can only blame her for being so attractive!

Yu Qinghuan said: "You go and wash, too. The temperature inside is high, and the clothes will dry soon after they run out of water."

"Hmm!" Sheng Lingren hurried in.

Yu Qinghuan said: "Wait a minute! First teach me how to switch on!"

"The green button in the third row."

Yu Qinghuan walked to the console, found the one he said and clicked it, and immediately heard the sound of water flowing inside.

She turned it off again and said, "You get your clothes in first."

"Uh...I won't come out anymore, you can pass it in for me."

Yu Qinghuan agreed, found a paper bag and put a white coat for him, and said across the wall: "You put it away, don't get wet."


Yu Qinghuan turned around and looked at the office, just like him, starting to ruin the cabinet.

He found all the useful things, she looked at it and sat down in front of the computer.

Staring at the computer screen, she was a little discouraged.

She has no idea about computers.

I learned it while studying, but it was too long for her. Later, after living for several decades, the electronic equipment was updated, but she never learned about it.

However, this computer contains at most some experimental data, right? For her and Sheng Ling at this moment, it was useless...


There was a muffled noise, and Yu Qinghuan was taken aback and looked at the empty door of the compartment.

She stood up, walked over cautiously, and asked through the door: "Sheng Lingren?"


(To be continued~^~.)

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