The door was locked and no one cared about them. The two sat down and said nothing to each other.

No matter how much, they can't say anything, because there are cameras everywhere, even in the bathroom.

This feeling of being invisible makes both of them very uncomfortable.

Sitting for a long time, it's boring. In the depressed space, there are no entertainment facilities. If they were not accompanied by the other person, they would definitely go crazy if they were alone.

But even with company, this kind of place also makes people face collapse at any time.

They were thinking about how to escape in their minds, but they couldn't discuss under surveillance.

Yu Qinghuan pinched her fingers, bit her lip, and became more and more irritable.

Sheng Lingren was the same, he almost went crazy, suddenly hammered the table with his hand, got up and walked into the bathroom.

Yu Qinghuan glanced at him, bent over and lay on the table, resting his head with his arm.

She hummed softly, she forgot where she learned this song, but it shouldn't be this era, it's later.

Humbling, she heard Sheng Lingren come out, raised her head, and saw him coming out with two mouthwash cups, toothbrushes in the cups, and full of water.

She looked at him suspiciously, and he said, "Let's play chess."

Yu Qinghuan was puzzled: "How to get off?"

"Use water as a pen."

He sat opposite her, put one of them in front of her, then took the toothbrush in his cup, and dipped the handle in water to draw grids on the table.

"This is quick to do, and Go can't be played. Gobang should be about the same." He said.

Yu Qinghuan thought for a while and nodded: "Okay. I like this kind of brain-consuming game. If there are mahjong poker cards, it would be great. I can play alone for a long time."

He glanced at her: "If not, I will also find you entertainment."

Yu Qinghuan was stunned, looking at him, seeing him staring at him, his face was inexplicably hot, remembering that the relationship between the two is no longer simple.

She started to play chess, after a few moves, she found that her brain's reaction was not as fast as it was after being transformed in the previous life.

She felt a little regretful in her heart, but when she thought of having the opportunity to be like ordinary people, she didn't think this loss was nothing.

To be willing, to be willing, and to be willing to get.

"You won again." She looked at Sheng Lingren.

Sheng Ling asked: "Are you still here?"

"Come on, there is nothing else to do anyway."

The two went down to dinner.

The food in this "cell" no longer opened the door to them, but opened a window on the wall. When the two of them were playing chess, they suddenly heard a click, like the sound of opening a box.

Looking for the reputation, a notebook-sized door popped open on the wall that hadn't been abnormal.

The two of them looked at each other, put down their toothbrushes and walked over.

Sheng Lingren gently opened the small door and saw a small grid inside with two lunch boxes in the grid.

He took out the lunch box, which contained hot meals.

He touched the door, like metal.

Sheng Lingren touched inside again, the surroundings looked like cement, and the opposite was metal. It seems that this place was dug into a small closet.

He said to Yu Qinghuan: "It should be that the wall was hollowed out, right there is the experimental operation room."

Yu Qinghuan frowned: "Let's eat, I'm hungry."

The two returned to the table. There was only food in the lunch box, no soup.

Yu Qinghuan took a mouthwash cup to the bathroom and took a glass of water to drink. After drinking it, he suddenly remembered: "I don't know if the water is dry."

(To be continued~^~.)

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