Sheng Lingren immediately pressed Yu Qinghuan's shoulders, looked her eyes directly and asked: "What did you just say?"

Yu Qinghuan lowered her head and suppressed her voice to the lowest level: "In that dream, an experimental subject was violently attacked by Sheng Zhongtian. Later she became pregnant, and Liu Xuelan used her as an experiment... When the child was born, she brought fresh ones. Babies do experiments."

Sheng Ling was trembling all over, and gritted his teeth and said: "How can they be so excessive! It's not as good as a beast!"

Yu Qinghuan didn't speak, her expression was calm.

He suddenly caught her: "Who is that person?! Who is that person in your dream?"

She looked at him, her eyes calm.

He knew it was mostly her.

He hugged her: " won't encounter that kind of thing."

"If I'm pregnant, they won't send me back, never see again." Yu Qinghuan hugged him and sobbed sadly.

"I'll take you away!" He hugged her tightly, and said quietly and firmly, "Leave today."


"Try it."

"If you fail, it will be harder to escape."

"Try that too!" He pressed her waist, pressed her belly to himself, and kissed her ears, "If you do have it, they will definitely take care of you. It will be true in the future. There is no chance. And the headquarters you mentioned, in case we are transferred there... By the way, if we are transferred, our chance is on the way to the transfer!"

"No. The time in the dream is a long time later. I don't know if you will have been tortured to death by the experiment. If we really have children, we don't know how many experiments have been done, his whole life will be ruined."

"Then today." He gritted his teeth.

Yu Qinghuan gave a hum.

She knew that as long as there was a chance, he would take himself out. Even if it is not for her, it will be for the child.

She was very sorry to use him in this way...but she really wanted to go out.


She has a strong intuition that there will still be Nanxuan in this life.

As long as she can escape this **** and give birth to Nan Xuan safely, she will ignore everything.

The two slowly separated and looked at each other deeply, then Yu Qinghuan turned and opened the door, and the two went out together.

Yu Qinghuan glanced at the people outside, and developed a very aggressive posture with two people standing at the bathroom door, with his hands behind his back as if holding weapons.

She turned her head and gave Sheng Lingren a worried look.

Sheng Lingren exploded at that moment, using his fists and feet together, bowing left and right, and knocking down three people at once.

But in the next second, someone hit him with an electric baton.

He stiffened, turned his head to look over, and staggered towards the man.

He told himself: Don't give in! For Qinghuan, for the children... They can only rely on him, they must send her out... He can stick to it, yes...

After two steps, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

Yu Qinghuan looked at him with a dull expression, and didn't know if his hand was caught.

She didn't recover until she was pulled out of the room.

She closed her eyes, a line of tears slid down her cheeks, and raised her hand to touch her belly.

Nanxuan...Don't be afraid, this time, mother will protect you!

When she was taken to the last laboratory, she was lying on the bed. Liu Xuelan asked her to have a tube of blood drawn from her and then performed other tests on her.

When the inspection was finished, she opened her eyes and looked at the white ceiling.

(To be continued~^~.)

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