Sheng Lingren decisively hugged Yu Qinghuan and turned around and walked forward quickly along the wall.

The security guard chased him up, but he ran fast and stopped at a position, holding up Yu Qinghuan's body and sending him up, "Go up!"

Yu Qinghuan climbed up with his hands and feet together. After climbing to the top of the wall, he looked down, a little scared.

The wall is about two meters high, so jumping down shouldn't be a big problem. But that is normal! Now she is pregnant and dare not jump.

Sheng Lingren then climbed up and was about to jump down when he heard someone shouting: "Wait for me! Wait for me!"

The two saw that it was the hostage.

At this moment, a sirens came.

The two turned to look at the road outside, and several police cars drove over quickly.

Yu Qinghuan said: "They colluded with the government! Can't trust the police! No one in this place can help us!"

At this time, the hostage ran under the wall, suddenly jumped over to hang Sheng Lingren's feet, and climbed up vigorously.

The other chasing soldiers also arrived, and Sheng Ling simply used his strength to drag the hostage up and threw it directly outside the wall——

The hostage fell on the road outside, crying in pain.

Sheng Lingren hugged Yu Qinghuan and jumped down, just falling on him, using him as a mat.

Yu Qinghuan was at the top, lying on Sheng Lingren. He smiled when he saw people chasing him through the fence-like wall.

Sheng Lingren helped her get up, she said excitedly: "We made it!"

"Not yet." Sheng Lingren looked at the police car getting closer and pulled her to run forward.

The hostage got up and followed limpingly.

Halfway through the race, the police car caught up to them.

Sheng Lingren stopped and protected Yu Qinghuan behind him.

Yu Qinghuan said anxiously: "What to do?!"

Sheng Ling snorted: "It just happened to be here, I hope they don't have guns..."

" want to take the car?"

Sheng Lingren turned his head, held her face and kissed: "So smart! You are waiting by the side!"

Yu Qinghuan immediately stepped aside and looked at him nervously.

A police car slammed the brakes first, and two police officers got down from above and walked towards them with guns: "Someone called the police, you burglary, come with us!"

"Do you think we look like burglary?" Yu Qinghuan asked.

The police stared for a moment and looked at their white clothes like hospital gowns. After suffocating, one of them wisely said: "I think it's like a ran out of a mental hospital, and I will take it back!"

After speaking, the two came over.

Sheng Lingren kicked over--

He was so strong now that he kicked one of them fainted.

The other was also grabbed by his wrist and twisted his joint.

Yu Qinghuan snatched the gun in the hand of the person who fainted, and Sheng Lingren also snatched the gun from this person, then stunned with a punch and pulled Yu Qinghuan into the car.

He started the car and the hard-pressed hostages chased him, patting the car door and shouting, "Let me in!"

Yu Qinghuan took a look and said, "Come in!"

The hostage immediately opened the rear door and sat in. Sheng Lingren blasted the accelerator and opened it.

He drove the car crookedly, very dangerous.

Yu Qinghuan hurriedly fastened his seat belt and asked: "You can't?"

"I used to be abroad..." Sheng Lingren said, "Just wait until I get familiar with it."

The steering wheel abroad is the opposite. It took him ten minutes to become proficient, but there was no navigation in the car. He went around the streets and alleys, not knowing where to get out of the city.

(To be continued~^~.)

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