Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1988: I'm going to discipline him

Wu Surong glanced at Yu Qingliu, and Yu Qingliu went upstairs with a straight face.

Yu Qinghuan wondered: "Is there something wrong with him?"

Wu Surong sighed, took her and said, "You come with me."

It looks like something is really going on!

Yu Qinghuan followed Wu Surong into the room, and Wu Surong said, "Go and persuade Qingliu!"

"What's wrong with him?" Yu Qinghuan was surprised.

Although Yu Qingliu is a little foolish, this point can't be changed for a lifetime, but he still won't lose the chain in serious matters. Moreover, they have high IQ and have the right to be willful.

Wu Surong sighed: "He was admitted to the School of Medicine of Beijing University, and he was the first one! As a result, he went to see you as soon as the summer vacation, and it was not anxious to find the school. I think he was young, and I was afraid that he would be stupid in studying. He is willing to play for two years, anyway, he is smart and can afford to delay. But now he is back, should he go to school?"

Yu Qinghuan remembered that when he had dinner a few days ago, Yu Zhengming mentioned this matter. At that time, Yu Qingliu did not speak.

She asked suspiciously, "What happened?"

"He's not going anymore!" Wu Surong said anxiously, "He said he didn't study medicine anymore! He wanted to learn it at first, and he liked it since he was a child, and you know it."


"Suddenly I stopped studying now. If I didn't study, I won't study. The school won't let it."


"The medical school won't let people go! He didn't expect to learn anything else, other colleges are coming to grab people!"

Yu Qinghuan helped the forehead, dare to love is too popular!

"He has always listened to you, so you can ask him what he thinks. No matter what you study, you have to go to school as soon as possible. How can you get mixed up at your age?"

Yu Qinghuan nodded and stood up with a slap on the table: "Okay! I'm going to discipline him!"

Wu Surong was taken aback: "Who wants you to discipline him?"

"Almost, the eldest sister is like a mother."

"Huh?!" She is not dead yet!

Yu Qinghuan turned and went out, first went back to his room to change a pair of shoes, and then went to find Yu Qingliu.

After knocking on the door, Yu Qingliu came to open the door.

He has changed into loose home clothes, and Yu Qinghuan glanced at him and asked: "What are you doing, frowning...what has happened to your room? Let me see."

Yu Qingliu opened the door and let her in.

She looked at the bedroom and said in surprise: "There is no poster of **** girls on the wall? It's not like a boy of your age at all~"

"Sister~ you don't speak like a girl of this age!"

Yu Qinghuan paused, and stretched out his hand to scratch his hair.

This child is so sensitive, he can detect this.

Girls of her age who want to learn from her experience can't learn it, so they can only let the flow go and do whatever they want.

She walked into the study room and saw the bookshelves full of books. She couldn't help but feel dizzy: "Can you finish reading?"

"Almost all finished." Yu Qingliu sat down lazily.

Yu Qinghuan leaned close to the bookshelf and took a look, then pulled out an original Italian book and opened it.

Yu Qingliu was puzzled: "Do you understand?"

"Know a little bit." She lived so long in the last life, traveled around, and learned a lot of knowledge. Language is the most important of them, because she doesn't like looking for translators.

And because of being transformed in her previous life, her learning ability was very fast.

The things I learned are in my head, and I still remember most of them now.

"When did you learn Italian, why don't I know?"

Yu Qinghuan listened, put down the book and said: "I want to pretend to be forced, but I was discovered by you! Why, I heard that you don't want to study medicine anymore?"

(To be continued~^~.)

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