Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1990: Sheng Ling people want to see you

"Uncle is not good." Yu Xinzhuo said next to him.

Yu Qingliu: "...you are not good, eat well!"

"Um..." Yu Xinzhuo lowered his head, holding his chopsticks to carefully pick up the vegetables.

The little guy is not proficient in using chopsticks and is still learning.

Yu Qingping touched his head: "Uncle is not good, don't learn from uncle."

Yu Xinzhuo raised his head and answered obediently: "Okay~"

"Hey--" Yu Qingliu was dissatisfied, what's wrong with him.

"Uncle just bullied you, don't talk to him for three days." Yu Qingping continued to educate his son.

Yu Xinzhuo listened and glanced at Yu Qingliu.

Yu Qingliu's eyes widened, looking at their father and son incredulously.

Yu Xinzhuo snorted, twisted the beginning with an aura, carrying out the task of "not talking to uncle for three days".

Yu Qingliu gritted his teeth: "Your father and son are simply embarrassed! You can't have a son if you bully me as a minor!"

"Puff--" Yu Qinghuan smiled beside him.

Min Ling glared at Yu Qingping: "You are such an adult, why do you still bully your brother? Xiaoxinzhuo has badly learned from you."

Yu Qingping looked at her: "Xinzhuo doesn't have a brother, so how can there be a chance to learn badly? You have to give a chance to learn badly."

Others: "..." How to say this and start showing affection?

Yu Qinghuan covered his face: "I can't see it!"

Yu Qingping coughed slightly and looked at her: "By the way, Sheng Ling will be back to Nanjiang in two days."

Everyone was taken aback and looked at him, and Yu Qinghuan also looked over calmly.

He was choked by her.

Every time Sheng Lingren asked her, he felt that they had a leg, but Yu Qinghuan's reaction was completely different.

Is it because I think too much?

He said helplessly: "He wants to meet you."

Yu Qingliu coughed and was about to speak, Yu Qinghuan kicked him under the table and said: "See you then. Anyhow, it's a benefactor, so I can do it for him."

"Meet alone?" Wu Surong asked.

Yu Qingping: "..." Do you have to ask?

Yu Qinghuan stretched out his hand to peel the shrimp, and said calmly: "Can't you meet alone?"

"Ah..." Wu Surong said, "I just think... forget it, just go, it's also a courtesy."


After eating and returning to the room, Yu Qinghuan pulled Yu Qingliu into her room and asked, "Did you say anything about Sheng Lingren and I?"

"I'm going to talk right away!" Yu Qingliu scowled.

I have been too busy lately. He planned to find time to speak seriously when he was free!

But now that Sheng Lingren dare to ask her, everyone must be called to deal with him!

"Dare you!" Yu Qinghuan raised his fist and threatened.

Yu Qingliu said in a small voice, "Second cousin also knows!"

"Then you go call him and tell him not to talk nonsense everywhere."

"Why don't you tell me? He doesn't want to be responsible?"

"You want him to be responsible?"

Yu Qingliu choked and said, "I hope, but I don't want it."

Yu Qinghuan let go of him and said domineeringly: "I will handle this by myself. You can keep my mouth tight, go."


The next day, Yu Qinghuan accompanied Yu Qingliu to the school to complete enrollment procedures.

This semester is half past, but this is not a problem at all for someone with an IQ of 250.

He has booked the scholarship for this semester!

Yu Qinghuan also graduated from Beijing University. After sending him to medical school, he went to visit teachers in his department.

She didn't want to go, and she didn't remember what those people looked like, how did she visit?

(To be continued~^~.)

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