Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 1997: He is not married and has no girlfriend?

Yu Qing smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will make my family poor?"

"You have that ability, I'll call you an ancestor!" Wu Surong said badly.

After eating, Yu Qinghuan went upstairs, met Yu Zhengming, and said: "Dad, didn't you go out today?"

"Go out in the afternoon and play with your Uncle Zhang. Would you like to go with you?"

"What am I going to do? I don't play ball."

"His Wenwen is back, won't you meet?"

Yu Qinghuan was taken aback, and quickly searched for memories related to Zhang Wenwen.

The two generations merged and came to the conclusion-Zhang Wenwen, married the year before last, settled abroad, her husband was Sun, and she gave birth to a son Sun Boyu. Sun Boyu was later introduced into the shadows and acted as a killer, almost killing Sheng Nanxuan.

Yu Qinghuan said: "Okay, go get together!"

After lunch, she and Yu Zhengming went out together, first to the Zhang family to meet the Zhang family.

Zhang's family lives in the same community as them and will be there in a few minutes.

Walking into the living room of Zhang's house, several people in there were wearing sportswear, all of whom were going to play ball.

Yu Qinghuan glanced at him and didn't know him, but one of the young women smiled at him, it should be Zhang Wenwen.

"Big niece!" A man about the same age as Yu Zhengming came over and patted her on the shoulder, "I heard that you have gone abroad in the past two years? You have become more beautiful!"

Yu Qing smiled and said, "Uncle Zhang."

Zhang Wenwen walked over and held her arm affectionately: "Which country are you going to? Don't look for me? I don't have any friends abroad, so I'm so bored!"

"Then you come back!"

Zhang Wenwen was taken aback, looked back at her husband, and said awkwardly: "The career is all abroad."

Yu Qing smiled happily, seeing everyone preparing to go out, and said: "Let me share a car with sister Wenwen!"

After speaking, she and Zhang Wenwen went out arm in arm, and said as they walked: "Your family is so big, you can find a job for your husband."

Zhang Wenwen whispered: "He doesn't want to rely on my house..."

Yu Qinghuan sneered: “It’s a good thing for a man to have a backbone. It’s not right for a man to admit death! A real man can bend and stretch, so what a good man who makes you lonely abroad? Besides, now there are big business opportunities in China. You can also break into the sky!"

Zhang Wenwen lowered her head and said nothing, and went out and said: "I...I'll leave a car with them. I remember your words, and I will think about it."

Yu Qing smiled, let go of her and went to his car.

Zhang Wenwen was taken aback, looking at her arm, feeling Qinghuan... not the Qinghuan she had remembered. These remarks made her very heartwarming, but she felt that the other party was blatantly talking, and it was a bit of a backache from standing up to speak!

Zhang Wenwen sighed and didn't know what to do.

Yu Qinghuan saw her thoughts, and hummed in her heart: A dog bites Lu Dongbin, not knowing good people! If you don't listen to me, wait for the guest to die in a foreign land and let your son be a killer!

Yu Zhengming suddenly patted her shoulder and motioned her to look outside the car.

Yu Qinghuan looked at it, isn't it the Zhang family, and asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Yu Zhengming coughed and said gossiping: "That's your Uncle Zhang's son, remember the thinnest and tallest one? You just came back from abroad, and you had a good time when you were young."

Yu Qinghuan looked at him.

He was a little embarrassed, did not hide, and asked nonchalantly, "What kind of look are you in?"

"He is not married and does not have a girlfriend?" Yu Qinghuan asked meaningfully, with an expression of "I have seen you through."

(To be continued~^~.)

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