Yu Qinghuan turned around and walked upstairs tiredly.

Wu Surong looked at her back and frowned, always feeling that something was wrong.

She looked back at Yu Zhengming: "I still don't think it will work. They came together very easily, you see, they all met alone!"

Yu Zhengming nodded: "There have been many banquets recently, so I will introduce a few young talents to her. Is there always something to look good?"


Yu Qinghuan returned to the room and just received a call from Sheng Lingren

Sheng Ling asked: "Here?"

"Well. I was caught by my parents and interrogated again. I told them that you will discuss the progress of the investigation tomorrow. Don't miss it."

Sheng Lingren was silent for a moment, dissatisfied with her hiding it, but still said: "Okay."

"Then I'll hang up. I'm so sleepy, go to bed first."

"Uh... well then."

"Something else?"

Sheng Ling pondered the wording and said, "It's okay. I just thought about what happened before. It was indeed my fault. I was too impatient. Although...we have children, but we don't know each other enough.

Yu Qing smiled: "What about then?"

"Can you...give me a chance to get to know you?" Sheng Lingren asked cautiously.

Yu Qinghuan frowned for a while and asked, "Can you speak the vernacular? It's too literary and artful for me to understand."

Sheng Ling was taken aback. Art? What he said is the vernacular, and there is no subtext.

and many more!

Sheng Lingren suddenly reacted with a flash of inspiration in his mind and blurted out: "Can you associate with me?"

"My dad just taught me not to associate with you~" Yu Qinghuan said quietly.

"Why?!" Sheng Ling said anxiously, his voice raised uncontrollably.

"He was afraid that we would hurt each other. We knew each other's scars were there, and it was easy to uncover them."

"I think...you can change your fate once again, and the wound will be healed? And I, it's good to see you. Qinghuan...you are the only sunshine in my life."

"Then let's get to know each other."

Sheng Lingren was stunned before realizing what she meant, and said excitedly: "Qinghuan——"

"Huh?" Yu Qing agreed with a smile.

"You are so kind!" he said, "I like you so much."

"How can you just open your mouth with sweet talk? Have many girlfriends?"

"Did you say it!"

"You seem to say that you haven't been shopping with girls..."

"Isn't that a meaning?"

"What's the point? Maybe you are a strange man who doesn't go shopping with his girlfriend~"

"I've been with you before..." Sheng Lingren muttered softly.

Yu Qinghuan covered her mouth and giggled.

When Sheng Ling heard this, he felt warm all over his body and his heart was full.

Sure enough, he was too anxious before. Take your time, how happy!


When Sheng Ling arrived at Sheng's home, Yu Qinghuan hadn't gotten up yet.

She had said that she loved to sleep late, and he had expected it. But he couldn't see her right away, and he was very disappointed.

Having discussed business affairs with Yu Zhengming and Yu Qingping for a long time, it was almost noon.

The three of them walked out of the study, just as Yu Qinghuan came upstairs with a plate of fruits.

She smiled and said, "Dad, big brother...Sheng Lingren, are you here? It just so happens that I have something to ask you."

"Uh..." Sheng Ling was excited in his heart. It's great to be a boyfriend or girlfriend, Qinghuan actually took the initiative to care about me...

He looked at Yu Zhengming and Yu Qingping: "Then I..."

Yu Zhengming twisted his eyebrows and glared at Yu Qinghuan warningly: "Then you guys have a chat."

(To be continued~^~.)

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