Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2013: Waiting for your life to prove

"You don't need to argue with me about this. I see a lot of couples who have turned against each other. The divorce rate is increasing year by year, let alone the breakup rate."

"Why compare with those people?"

"That's true~" Yu Qinghuan smiled slightly, "I have also seen people who love each other very much. My parents also love each other. They died on the same day, and they didn't make each other wait on Huangquan Road."

"So we will always be together." Sheng Lingren whispered.

"Then I will wait for you to prove it with a lifetime."

"I like to hear that." He smiled openly.

Yu Qinghuan sighed: "Okay~ you go and do your job, I should rest too. Your son is making a lot of noise these days, and I always want to sleep."

"Then you go to sleep." He said hurriedly, "I really want to take care of you myself. You are like this... I am not trying to force you, but I feel that you are so hard now, but no one can take care of you, and I feel guilty."

"I don't need someone to take care of it!" Yu Qinghuan blurted out.

She has been here for such a long time in her previous life, and she has never relied on anyone.

Sheng Lingren suddenly stopped talking, a little angry.

Yu Qinghuan said helplessly: "Okay~ I will let you take care of it later."

"Well, go to sleep." Sheng Lingren was still a little dissatisfied and hung up the phone.

Yu Qinghuan sighed, feeling like facing a child.

She lay on the bed and fell asleep after a while. After a while, I woke up to go to the bathroom and heard the sound of a car coming downstairs. It was estimated that another child had returned.

She hurriedly got out of bed, put on her nightgown and went out, seeing Yu Qingliu running upstairs angrily.

Yu Qinghuan narrowed his eyes and looked at him with his arms in arms, as if to settle accounts with him.

Yu Qingliu paused, walked over quickly, grabbed her arm and pulled her into the house.

"What are you doing?" Yu Qinghuan was puzzled.

"You're up so late!" Yu Qingliu yelled at her and closed the door.

Yu Qinghuan was dumbfounded: "Are you still taking care of me? Who is the older one of us? What are you doing out in the middle of the night?"

"What do you care about me? Isn't this coming back peacefully? You are a pregnant woman, don't sleep well, walk around in the middle of the night, what should I do if I catch a cold?" Yu Qingliu said, holding her pulse, "Let me Check it out!"

"Ah -" Yu Qinghuan called out suddenly, reaching out to cover his stomach.

Yu Qingliu was scared and sweaty: "What's the matter? Don't scare me!"

Yu Qinghuan paused for a while, then raised his head: "It's okay, the kid kicked me."

"..." Yu Qingliu was dumbfounded.

Yu Qinghuan stood up slowly: "Okay, I want to rest, you can go out. Don't run around!"

Yu Qingliu looked at her belly and forced to go out in a daze.

When he returned to the room, he recovered for a long time, jumped on the bed, and started rolling: "I'm going to be an uncle..."


The next day, Yu Qinghuan rarely got up earlier, probably because of the early bedtime last night.

Walking into the dining room, Wu Surong and Min Ling were having breakfast with their children, and the others were away.

Wu Surong saw her and said in surprise: "What day do you get up so early today?"

"Who else is early?"

"Qingliu! I've been sleeping late after the holiday. I don't know what blood was beaten today. Your brother got up before he got up. He didn't eat breakfast on the table. He just took it out! Hey, did you say he was talking? Are you in love? I went out after dark last night, and I don’t know what to do?"

(To be continued~^~.)

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