Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2017: She has seen through

"Who forced him to change his surname!" Yu Zhengming felt that she was stubborn and anxious.

Yu Qinghuan became angry: "You men are so indifferent to surnames and bloodlines? No wonder some people would rather ruin ten good daughters for the sake of a prodigal son! Passing on from generation to generation, passing on from generation to generation... It's better to pass on to this kind of people. Forget it! Careful retribution is here, even a daughter can't be born! Having a daughter, somehow you can recruit a son-in-law, who says you can't inherit the incense?"

Yu Zhengming was dumbfounded, and after a long time he murmured: "What happened to you Qinghuan?"

"I'm angry!" Yu Qinghuan shouted, "Can't you tell?!"

Yu Zhengming recovered and became angry. The table slapped and roared: "What's the matter with you?! I'm just worried that Sheng Ling will retaliate against us. How do you... how do you say this mess! Our Yu family is patriarchal? Are your elder brothers and younger brothers prodigal? Everyone treats you like a treasure, so why are you nervous!"

"I don't like to listen to this!" Yu Qinghuan shouted hoarsely, calmed down his emotions, and said quietly: "Besides, are you really not patriarchal? If boys and girls are the same, you give the property me!"

"You--" Yu Zhengming's eyes widened in disbelief.

"The reason why I dote on me is because I am never a threat and will not inherit the big head."

Yu Zhengming's face was hurt: "Qinghuan, why do you think this way? You have been out for more than a year, why is this!"

Yu Qinghuan was silent, and said after a long time: "You don't know what I have experienced!"

She stood up and left the study with red eyes.

She hasn't been out for more than a year. How dirty, dark, and gray areas are in this world... She has already seen through!


At the dinner table, the dishes were ready, only Yu Qinghuan was left.

"Why hasn't Qing Huan come down yet?" Wu Surong murmured, and asked the angry Yu Zhengming: "What did you say?"

Yu Zhengming twisted the beginning, not wanting to speak.

Yu Qingliu stood up: "I'll call her!"

Yu Zhengming rubbed his forehead with a headache, and didn't want to eat anymore.

Yu Qingliu ran outside Yu Qinghuan’s room, knocked on the door, and shouted: "Sister, I'm eating--"

"Don't eat!" Yu Qinghuan roared inside.

Yu Qingliu was taken aback. He hurriedly held the doorknob and twisted it around. Seeing that it was not locked, he cautiously pushed it away. Seeing her angrily sitting on the bed, he immediately closed the door and walked over: "Sister? What's wrong with you?" Who offended you?"

Yu Qinghuan glanced at him and calmed her anger: "It's not you anyway." She stretched out her hand and patted his face, blushing and said: "You are the best to me, I won't be angry with you.

Seeing red eyes, Yu Qingliu said anxiously: "Don't cry! Are you...dad scolding you?"

When Yu Qinghuan heard it, the tears in his eyes fell.

"Don't don't..." Yu Qingliu was in a hurry, "What did he say?!"

"It's okay..." Yu Qinghuan choked up, "I just want...If I don't come back, they won't be like this."

"What nonsense?" Yu Qingliu frowned.

At this time, Min Ling's voice came from outside: "Qinghuan, Qingliu——"

Yu Qingliu answered loudly: "Come!"

After that, he whispered to Yu Qinghuan: "If you don't go down, I will serve you up."

"Can't eat it!" Yu Qinghuan said irritably.

(To be continued~^~.)

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