Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2019: I want to oppose to the end

According to the rules, the property belonging to Yu Zhengming and Wu Surong should indeed be so divided. But he is already working in the company, and the contacts and information on the group are gradually mastered, which is already an intangible asset for him. Therefore, he is still the one who has the advantage. However, it is also the one with more responsibility.

Yu Qingping was not too entangled. He is young and vigorous, and if he doesn't give him a cent, he will be angry to build a kingdom by himself, so he doesn't care much. The important thing is that he still feels distressed for his younger siblings, and he doesn't want to alienate his feelings just because of something outside.

Seeing that both of their brothers had figured it out, Yu Zhengming was relieved, and said politely: "Home and everything are happy. You three brothers and sisters can work together to create more things, and people outside can't even want to break our Yu family. But. If you loose the sand, people outside will have a chance to take advantage of it, and you won’t be able to keep this thing right now."

"I know." Yu Qingping said, "why did Qing Huan suddenly lose his temper?"

"I just said two things from Sheng Lingren!" Yu Zhengming was so depressed, he explained the situation in detail.

Yu Qingliu smiled inwardly: Can she not be angry if you say that to her child's father?

Wu Surong asked worriedly: "Does she like Sheng Lingren?"

"This is a long-term plan." Yu Zhengming said, "I didn't want her to be with Sheng Lingren at all before. But now, if she is really determined, she can't object to it."

"Why can't I object?!" Wu Surong didn't see the appearance of their quarrel just now. She didn't feel intuitively about Yu Qinghuan's reaction at the time, and didn't think it was serious. "Sheng Ling is good, but what else is good? If he is at odds with the family, the dark history of the Sheng family has his share. Who would call his surname Sheng? Come on, the family of the Sheng family was not good enough for us, and now it is not good enough. I don’t want Qinghuan to follow him. Suffer! Let alone character experience, inappropriate, inappropriate! In short, I will oppose it to the end!"

"If it were Qinghuan--"

Wu Surong thought for a while, and said nonchalantly: "Well, the first time you fell in love, you always feel that love is life. In fact, after two years of separation, nothing is left. I only saw the new people laugh, but the old people cry? The medicine that cures everything can solve everything! Anyway, Qinghuan is still young, and now let them cut contact, and in a few years she won't remember who he is. How good is it to get married and have children happily? Qingping, Qingliu, right?"

"Uh..." Yu Qingping thought about his first love. He really didn't remember what it looked like, and didn't feel it at all, but Min Ling was so cute... so he nodded vigorously.

Yu Qingliu was a little confused, and said for a long time: "I have never been in love, and I don't understand your truth. But I think there are exceptions to everything. What if the sister can't be cured at that time?"

My god, the old lady is pregnant, you are going to die!

"Why can't it be cured!" Wu Surong shouted, "You don't want your sister, okay?"

"Think..." Yu Qingliu felt that this tall hat was terrifying, and explained weakly, "I think the whole family is good."

If you continue according to your theory, we won't be able to get better when my sister is better.

Wu Surong said angrily: "Don't talk about it! Eat! Maybe your sister and Sheng Ling have nothing to do with you?"

Yu Qingliu's face is bitter: The child is out...

(To be continued~^~.)

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