Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2025: Do you marry Sheng Lingren?

Yu Qing smiled, holding Sheng Lingren's shoulders with both hands, and lowered his head to ask: "Are you going home with me?"

Sheng Lingren thought for a while and stood up after putting on his shoes, "I'm still going to prepare...night, or tomorrow."

Yu Qinghuan nodded: "Then I will wait for you at home."

Sheng Ling was excited in his heart.

She is waiting for him to come and propose a kiss! This way, he is about to embrace the beauty!

He hugged her and kissed her on the forehead: "I won't let you wait too long."

"Hey!" Yu Qingping yelled next to him, "You treat me as dead!"

Yu Qinghuan sticks out his tongue, pushes away Sheng Lingren and turns around: "Let's go, Big Brother Living~"

"Cough—" Yu Qingping was choked to speak.


Returning to Yu's house, Yu Zhengming and Wu Surong, who got the news, came down from the stairs.

Wu Surong grabbed Yu Qinghuan and cried: "My son...just come back! Just come back! Mom is wrong, let alone those! Now that you are pregnant, you will have a good baby and give birth to him! As for Sheng Lingren , Marry if you want to get married, and leave him alone if you don’t want to get married! Anyway, we can afford to raise children ourselves!"

Yu Qinghuan listened and couldn't help but smile: "It's my mother who understands me. I love to hear what my mother says."

"You..." Wu Surong wiped her tears and pulled her to sit down on the sofa.

At this time, Yu Qingliu also ran down, yelling: "Sister! You can be considered back, next time don't run around!"

"Got it~" Yu Qinghuan gave him a blank look.

Wu Surong shook her hand and patted it gently: "I see you are at home every day. Have you ever had a birth check?"

"Ah... I went there once a few days ago." Yu Qinghuan was a little guilty.

"Huh?" Wu Surong stayed, and slapped her hand fiercely, "Why are you so careless? Do you want to give birth or not?!"

"You don't even do checkups?" Yu Zhengming's eyes widened, "Don't harm my grandson!"

"It's your grandson again?" Yu Qinghuan looked at him, "You didn't say that in the morning."

"Did I say anything?" Yu Zhengming stretched his hands and performed oblivion. "In short, if you want to live, you must live well. How can you not do a birth check?"

"I'll call your uncle and let him arrange a time in the hospital—" Wu Surong said.

"Tell them now?" Yu Qinghuan asked.

She was taken aback for a moment: "Then...what do you do? Where did you do it?"

"public hospital."

"Then let's do it in a public hospital temporarily."

As Wu Surong said, she suddenly felt something wrong in her hand. She looked down and saw the ring on Yu Qinghuan's hand.

She was surprised: "What is this?"

Yu Qing smiled happily, raised his hand, and the light of the diamond flashed brightly before everyone's eyes.

She proudly said: "I have proposed to Sheng Lingren."

The whole family stunned: "You, Xiang, Sheng, Ling, Ren, propose, marry?"

"Can't it?" She raised her eyebrows. "Who stipulates that a man must propose to a woman?"

"Hahaha—" Yu Zhengming suddenly laughed.

Wu Surong looked at him in horror: "Are you crazy?"

Yu Zhengming pointed to Yu Qinghuan, and said admiringly: "I really deserve to be my daughter, she is a hero of the female middle school! In that case, you marry Sheng Lingren?"

"Forget it." Yu Qinghuan raised his chin.

"Well, you can marry it." Yu Zhengming waved his hand, as if saying: I will play!

Yu Qingliu asked Yu Qinghuan: "In this case, does the child have to have your last name?"

(To be continued~^~.)

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