Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2028: Didn't you use me?

Yu Qinghuan withdrew his hand, took a step back, looking at him with cold eyes.

Sheng Ling panicked: "Qing Huan! You are..."

"Am I using you?" She stared at him.

Sheng Ling was taken aback, and after a while he remembered what he had said to Yu Qingliu.

Did Yu Qingliu tell her?

Seeing her indifferent and emotionless eyes, he felt a sharp pain in her heart, and couldn't help but laugh at herself-you are self-inflicted and cannot live! If you don't talk to Yu Qingliu about that, you don't have to have this.

But there is no way to deny this kind of thing.

Sheng Ling was also a little angry in his heart. She used him, how could she still talk to him in such a manner?

He was worried and angry, and asked with a complex expression: "You rarely dress up just to show off with me?"

When Yu Qinghuan heard this, he straightened his back and raised his chin proudly.

She was seen through by him again!

She doesn't like the feeling of being seen through!

Of course, she is easily seen through.

In her previous life, she possessed great force, and she never circumscribed in her work, she always went straight. No one can beat her anyway, anyone who makes her upset will just kill her!

She likes to dress up when facing the enemy, and suppress people first in her aura!

At that time, no one should analyze her thoughts.

But now, Sheng Lingren likes to analyze her mind.

She felt uncomfortable and didn't like this feeling!

"I don't like being too weak when fighting," she said.

"Fighting?!" Sheng Lingren gave a wry smile, "I am your fiance, are you fighting with me?"

Yu Qing began to twist and began to feel guilty in the face of his censure.

"Then how are you going to fight me?" Sheng Ling asked sadly, "Don't you use me?"

"Yes, I just use you!" Yu Qinghuan admitted generously, narrating without emotion, "I calculated it right from the beginning, looking for opportunities to make friends with you. At that time, you were very dependent on me, coupled with this relationship, You will probably not give up on me. If you get more intimate, you will naturally become pregnant. This is also my bargaining chip. Even if you don’t do it for me, you should do it for the children. In short, I designed double insurance to let you take me away."

"I know." He lowered his head, "I don't care. Everyone wants to live in that situation, I can understand."

"But why are you marrying me? I can't understand it. For the children?"

"For you!" Sheng Ling said excitedly, "I said before, I like you!"

She really didn't seem to understand.

Sheng Lingren looked at her and said seriously and eagerly: "Qinghuan, I like you! Don't you want to regret it? I don't care if you lie to me!"

"But I care. I lied to you, and I felt worried, afraid that you would retaliate against me."

Sheng Ling's body shook and looked at her incredulously: "In your heart, I am this kind of person? I like you, don't you understand?! Because I like you, my life is yours, how can I care about you? Lie to me! How can I get revenge on you!"

"But I don't like you..." Yu Qinghuan blurted out, suddenly stunned.

Really don't like it?

She missed love in the last life, and when someone said she loved her, she no longer loved it. The only feeling in her heart is related to blood, and she doesn't understand anything else.

But at the age of "now", she is just a young girl, longing for love in her heart.

Although the soul has returned from the future after decades of training, the emotions and memories of the body itself still remain.

(To be continued~^~.)

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