Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2034: He is also using her?

Sheng Ling said helplessly: "Okay, okay... it's called Nan Xuan. Hey..."

He probably guessed that she also gave birth to Sheng Nanxuan last time. Only at that time, the father of the child was not himself.

Sheng Lingren was very manic, hugged her with her head down, and sniffed deeply on her neck.

Yu Qinghuan cried weakly: "What are you doing?"

"It's okay..." Sheng Ling said dullly, and took a few deep breaths to calm his emotions.

"What about the child? Did you go to see the child?" she asked.

"Look." He smiled, "a bit heavy."

Yu Qing smiled: "Of course, his mother eats well, and he will naturally grow stronger."

Sheng Lingren rubbed her fingers and looked at her tenderly.

She asked suspiciously, "What are you looking at?"

He bowed his head and kissed her, and said in a dumb voice, "I have a home."


"Qinghuan... you and the child are my life, I will treat you well, don't leave me."

Yu Qinghuan frowned: "Who said I'm leaving?"

"No." He smiled softly, rubbing his chin against her neck, "I'm just afraid."

Yu Qinghuan thought for a while, smiled and said, "Don't be afraid."

She suddenly wondered if the drugs in the laboratory still affected him.

Will he, still need him to calm down?

They had been separated for a few months before, and he has been very normal since he came to the capital. She thought he was fine.

But he just seemed a little out of control.

No wonder he was afraid of her leaving, because she was his medicine! If she leaves, he will die, maybe he will explode like the previous life!

Even if it doesn't blow up to the blood and flesh, it may burst and die.

She was indeed his fate, and he was right.

Yu Qinghuan reached out and touched his head, passing his fingers through his hair, feeling in control.

If so, she would be relieved.

She is so useful to him, he will definitely not hurt her, and even protect her well.

She does not believe in feelings, but in interests. Now they are like two people who have made a deal. As long as they still need each other, she can rest assured to be with him.


Three months later, Yu Qinghuan recovered well after giving birth. She was slim and slender, with a touch of unspeakable charm, which always made Sheng Ling feel happy.

The wedding is about to take place. Sheng Ling people really rented a small island in Southeast Asia. The island has beautiful scenery and pleasant air. It is a famous local tourist attraction.

The wedding period lasts for a week, and the guests are also considered a long holiday here.

Sheng Nanxuan's Hundred Days Banquet was held on the third day. Early in the morning, Yu Qinghuan and Wu Surong put him in festive red clothes. He wore a pair of gold bracelets on his hands. Bells hung on the bracelets. The hands jingle and clink like a little fairy.

Yu Qinghuan loved him so much. She seldom saw him after he was born in the last life, so she will naturally make up for it in this life.

The guests gathered at the Hundred Days banquet, and everyone said good things to him. It can be said that the stars hold the moon.

It's a pity that Xiao Nanxuan doesn't understand anything, and sleeps with his eyes closed almost all the time, and no one pays attention. When he returned to the room, he began to make noise again, and asked Yu Qinghuan to eat.

The wedding was held two days later, and Yu Qinghuan fed him to Min Ling.

Sheng Nanxuan recognizes his birth, and people who don't know can't hold him. But for the past three months, Yu Qinghuan has been living in her natal family. He is very familiar with everyone in the Yu family, so as long as he is full and drunk, he will not cry or make trouble by himself when he comes to the Yu family. He is very comfortable.

(To be continued~^~.)

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