Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2040: Sheng Nanxuan's naughty notes (4)

"She touched my things randomly." Sheng Nanxuan said aggrievedly.

"You..." Yu Qinghuan had a headache, turned back to the living room, picked up Yu Xinran and said, "Stop crying. My brother is not good, so I won't play with him in the future."

"It's okay," Wu Surong said, "Children, it's normal to be noisy, and it will be better after a while."

"Hey..." Yu Qinghuan sighed, "Nan Xuan doesn't know what's going on, and doesn't like playing with others. If others want to play with him, he will hit others!"

"Isn't this the same as when Qingliu was a child?" Wu Surong looked at Yu Qingliu.

Yu Qingliu refused: "Will I still cry girls?"

"That's not true. If you dare to bully a girl, your sister will beat you up!"

"Puff--" Yu Qing smiled, "I forgot all about it."

Yu Qingliu said: "Then Nanxuan bullies the girl, you beat him too!"

"Born by myself, I can't bear it."

"Oh~ dare to love that I was born by someone else, so you are willing?"

"I won't beat you, mom and dad will beat you harder!"

"Nonsense!" Wu Surong said.

Yu Zhengming also said: "How do you talk? Do we have it?"

"I forgot." Yu Qinghuan pushed cleanly, "but as a parent, children are heavy when fighting. Our family Nanxuan doesn't like his dad because he always beats him~"

"Why are you talking about me again?" Sheng Ling said, "I always talk about hitting him, but you always stop it. Nine out of ten times have not succeeded, and one time has failed in half of the fight!"

Wu Surong couldn't help but laugh, and said to Yu Qinghuan: "You can't spoil your children too much."

"I know." Yu Qinghuan didn't want to argue with her, but the one who should dote would still dote on it!

After a while, Yu Xinran stopped crying, climbed off the sofa and said, "I'm going to play with my brother~"

"Look, let me tell you." Wu Surong said.

Yu Qinghuan was embarrassed: "Nan Xuan is not getting awkward..." He would make her cry.

Yu Qingliu stood up: "I'm going to watch them!" After speaking, he picked up Yu Xinran and went to the game room.

With him, Sheng Nanxuan did not bully Yu Xinran anymore, because he started to bully the two of them, crushing them with IQ!

There are many educational toys in the playroom, and Yu Qingliu cracked all the toys with ease!

Yu Xinran looked admired: "My uncle is so tired!"

Sheng Nanxuan looked dumbfounded: "Uncle, you...how can you bully me?"

"How did I bully you? I don't have the ability to blame me for bullying you?" Yu Qingliu's eyes widened, rascal.

"You are bullying me..." Sheng Nanxuan held the toy and turned around to play by himself. He was about to break it out faster than Yu Qingliu!

However, how could he be Yu Qingliu's opponent? IQ 250!

Sheng Nanxuan played with his head for a while, although he was unlocked, it took a lot more time than Yu Qinghuan.

When Yu Qinghuan called for dinner outside, he got up and ran out, holding Yu Qinghuan’s legs and said, "Mom, I don’t want to play with my uncle..."

Yu Qinghuan twisted her eyebrows and looked at Yu Qingliu who came out: "Why did you bully my son?"

"I--" Yu Qinghuan said innocently, "I didn't bully him, I played games with him!"

Wu Surong glared at him: "You know you are bullying a child! When he grows up, let's see how he gets revenge on you!"

"His IQ—"

Yu Qinghuan swept away coldly.

He coughed and immediately changed his words: "His IQ is like me. He will definitely crush me when he grows up. How dare I bully him?"

(To be continued~^~.)

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