Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2042: Don't let him cheat

After Yu Qingliu left, Wu Surong whispered to Yu Qinghuan: "You are pregnant, but you must be careful not to derail him!"

Yu Qinghuan was taken aback, she had never thought about this problem. After Wu Surong said that, she felt that she was going to live a life of being jealous and jealous.

Her heart is rejected!

She smiled: "Don't worry, he won't."

Wu Surong said anxiously: "You are not prepared, there are times when you cry! Men, they are all eating in the pot and looking at the bowl..."

"Dad too?" Yu Qinghuan blurted out.

Wu Surong choked and patted the back of her hand: "That's because I managed it well! You don't care, Sheng Lingren is getting more and more money now. He doesn't bother, others will send it to the door. And you are pregnant. He is the easiest to make mistakes when it comes to time!"

"He dare!" Yu Qinghuan lowered his face, "I don't like dirty things! If he dares to get dirty, you just wait for me to be a widow!"

"Huh?" Wu Surong was stunned, and then pinched her, stomping her feet with a headache, "Why did I give birth to your fierce daughter? You...you are still a widow? You want to kill him!"

"Huh!" Yu Qinghuan sneered.

Wu Surong shuddered, and hurriedly said: "Qinghuan, don't mess around. If he makes a mistake, you can't do it for him to ruin yourself!"

Yu Qing smiled happily: "Don't worry, no, I'll be fine when I return to my natal home!"

If she leaves, he will probably not live long, and she will naturally be a widow.

If he doesn't need her anymore, then she will hire a killer to kill him!

It's not her style to keep noisy, crying and crying, and she doesn't bother to have a divorce. When a widow sits on a huge inheritance, it is the right choice!

After a while, Sheng Lingren came back. Wu Surong and Yu Qinghuan looked at him with weird eyes, making him inexplicable.

When sleeping at night, Yu Qinghuan lay in his arms, raised his hand with a smile, and slid his index finger teasingly over his apple...

Sheng Lingren grabbed her and shouted, "What are you doing? It's not honest if you are pregnant!"

Yu Qinghuan withdrew his hand and looked at him leisurely: "I'm pregnant, what do you do?"

Sheng Lingren understood her meaning as soon as he heard it, his face was distorted, and then he hugged her aggrievedly and said: "What can I do? I sowed the seeds, and waited for them to grow up with tears!"

"What if I can't help it?"

He raised his head, looked at her with deep eyes, and said maliciously: "In three months, it will be fine."

"That can't satisfy you every day like before!"

"Actually, forbearance is fine. Didn't you come here last time? No, I still have left and right hands."

Yu Qinghuan smiled and looked at him: "You won't go to Xiaosan, right?"

Sheng Lingren's expression became stiff, he slowly leaned down and held her face, and asked blankly: "What do you think?"

Yu Qinghuan was afraid of him, frowning and said: "What are you doing? What do you think I think? You men——"

"I'm not that kind of man!" He angered and hugged her tightly. "You still don't understand me?!"

It's been almost four years since he was married. He is so kind to her. Doesn't she understand his intentions?

Yu Qinghuan was startled and pushed him: "Don't press me down, I'm going to sleep."

Sheng Lingren let go of her, rolled over and got off the bed, and left the bedroom without looking back.

After a while, Yu Qinghuan heard the sound from the study, sneered, and pulled up the quilt to cover herself.

(To be continued~^~.)

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