Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2057: Xiong Tie brought you a distinguished guest

Sheng Lingren's office was opened up, and it looked like it was a foreign company, and it felt like a large foreign company.

Sheng Lingren picked up the information on the desk and flipped through it, pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit down."

Xiong Tie was a little uncomfortable. After sitting down for a while, Sheng Lingren's secretary sent two cups of coffee.

Seeing that the secretary is actually a handsome boy, he couldn't help but smile: "The boss does not seem to have many female employees..."

Sheng Lingren smiled and said: "Madam is strict. What can you do? Let's talk."

Xiong Tie didn't like his superior tone, so he could only bear it!

After enduring forbearance, he smiled and said, "Gambino is here and intends to do business with us."

"Business?" Sheng Lingren frowned, "Does he mind his son?"

"Ah! That I have passed, I sent Lorenzo back to Italy, Mr. Gambino is very grateful to me."

"..." You feed others a bullet, and they have to thank you? Sheng Ling believes in him to have ghosts!

Moreover, Sheng Ling had already checked through the Yu family's network, and Lorenzo never left the country!

Lorenzo came to China with an international student passport, which can stay for several years, so it has not attracted the attention of relevant departments for such a long time.

However, he was nowhere to be found.

Sheng Lingren estimated that he was already violent, and perhaps Xiong Tie had divided people into dogs!

"How to do business?" He stirred the coffee and spoke slowly.

Xiong Tie said, "Wait for the boss to talk to Mr. Gambino, I can only be responsible for the introduction."

"Okay~" Sheng Lingren said, "but I'm not free now. I'll talk about it next month. I will notify you when that happens."

Xiong Tie nodded, knowing that his daughter is almost full moon.


Shengxixi's full moon wine was held in a hotel under the Yu family.

Many people came from the capital. There were not a few celebrities and rich people in Nanjiang, but they all took the initiative to ask for invitations in order to cling to the powerful and powerful in the capital.

The Shengling people are upstarts in the local area. Those people, good or bad, have been around for a few years, so naturally they can't offend them, so they are all invited.

So this day is really full of guests, but everyone is here, and it seems a little messy.

Fortunately, everyone is considered sensible and will not add to the host's house, so although it is lively, there is no nonsense.

Yu Qinghuan wore a lavender one-shoulder dress, pure and elegant, charming.

Xiong Tie took Gambino into the banquet hall and pointed to the two above: "Look...that's the two. Do you think that woman is beautiful?"

Gambino glanced, his eyes narrowed.

Yu Qinghuan seemed to feel something, raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes flashed slightly, and her expression became unpredictable.

She tilted her head and whispered to Sheng Lingren, "Xiong Tie brought you a distinguished guest."

Gambino thought, it was beautiful, mysterious beauty. I don't know how many secrets are hidden under this flower, it's a bit dangerous.

There are also women on the road, with a variety of amorous smiles, but they make people chill. They have too much blood on their hands, but they are very disguised. Because they were originally roses, the blood dripped on the roses, and the bewildered could not see them, but they were strange-why are the roses so gorgeous?

And this one in front of me... I'm afraid it was made of blood, right?

Gambino really believes that she has the ability to harm her son.

Seeing Sheng Lingren look over, Xiong Tie said to Gambino, "Let's go over."

The two walked up to Sheng Lingren and Yu Qinghuan, and Xiong Tie introduced them with a smile.

Sheng Ling reached out his hand and said to Gambino: "Long admired the name."

(To be continued~^~)

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