Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2061: You are so handsome today

"Ling Ren..." Yu Qinghuan's eyes were hot, almost crying.

Suddenly someone kicked Sheng Lingren from behind, and Sheng Lingren shook his body, ignoring the people behind, and went straight to Yu Qinghuan.

Yu Qinghuan stared at him, showing aggrieved expression: "husband..."

When Sheng Lingren heard this, he felt a pain in his heart, rushed to hug her, took a butterfly knife from her body, and cut the rope on her body.

When Yu Qinghuan was free, he hugged him immediately: "I am afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, my husband is here." Sheng Lingren hugged her tightly and coldly looked at the incoming Xiong Tie and others.

These people are all damned!

He let go of Yu Qinghuan: "Wait a while, I will take you home after I solve them."

Yu Qinghuan nodded: "Be careful."

Sheng Lingren saw that her eye sockets were moist, and his heart ached, so he wrapped her head with one hand and kissed it.

When Xiong Tie saw him, he drew his gun at him and pulled the trigger.


Sheng Lingren threw the butterfly knife out of his hand, and the butterfly knife flew over Xiong Tie's hand, almost cutting off his finger. At the same time, the gun in his hand fell to the ground.

"Ah -" Xiong Tie screamed, seeing the gun falling on the ground, then looking at Sheng Lingren, seeing that he was still kissing Yu Qinghuan, he couldn't help being full of horror.

He he he... How did he see he was going to shoot? I hit myself with a knife!

Sheng Lingren slowly let go of Yu Qinghuan and turned to look at him.

Xiong Tie took a step back and swallowed in fear.

Sheng Lingren stood up and walked over...

Xiong Tie exclaimed: "Kill! Shoot!"

"If you don't do anything, spare his life." Sheng Lingren swept at everyone.

Everyone was taken aback and hesitated, but almost everyone still stood firmly beside Xiong Tie after hesitating. Jianghu people talk about loyalty, and if they are so easy to betray, they will not do things around Xiong Tie.

Sheng Lingren gave a sneer, rushed over to hit these little guys on the ground first, and then held down Xiong Tie to break his arm!

Xiong Tie screamed and looked at Yu Qinghuan: "Madame Boss—help me! You said you would spare my life!"

Yu Qinghuan said angrily: "If you don't touch me, I will really spare your life!"

Sheng Ling's movements became stiff.

Xiong Tie was dumbfounded, and when he looked over, he saw that his face was even more terrifying, and shouted, "I didn't touch it!"

Sheng Lingren directly removed his arms!

Yu Qingliu said bitterly: "You are riding on me!"

At this time, Sheng Lingren went crazy directly and directly crippled Xiong Tie.

But his anger could not be vented, and he knocked the rest of the people to the ground.

Seeing that he was crazy, Yu Qinghuan rushed up and hugged him: "Ling Ren!"

Sheng Lingren stopped, panting non-stop, turned around and hugged her tightly, and said to himself: "Qing Huan...I'm sorry."

"I'm fine, he didn't do anything to me!" She said anxiously.

"I know." The person in Sheng Ling also knew that it was okay, but he just couldn't bear her being wronged. He said: "I am not good for you to encounter this kind of thing."

Yu Qinghuan looked at him, wiped the blood on his face with a hand, and said softly: "Let's go home."

He nodded, picked him up sideways, and walked out.

Along the way, Yu Qinghuan saw countless people screaming on the ground and stretched out his arms to tighten Sheng Lingren's neck.

Sheng Lingren looked at her: "What's the matter?"

"You are so handsome today!" she smiled.

Sheng Ling was startled, a little embarrassed, and hugged her more firmly.

"Is the injury all right?" she asked caringly.

(To be continued~^~)

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