Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 2066: Is there anyone who cheats your brother?

The heart is moved because Yu Qinghuan feels so amazing. She is beautiful, the beauty that makes people thrilling.

The moment he just saw Yu Qingliu, he finally understood that he would be moved by Yu Qinghuan because there was something in her beauty that was in line with his aesthetics. And these little things were completely enlarged on Yu Qingliu's face.

After all, the two are siblings, they are still somewhat similar in appearance.

That similar thing on Yu Qinghuan's face surprised him, and on Yu Qingliu's face it made him fall.

King grabbed his hair and suddenly heard the sound of a car coming downstairs. Knowing that the family had returned, he immediately put away the gun and left quietly.


Before going to bed, Sheng Lingren asked Yu Qinghuan worriedly: "You said that person wouldn't really come to kill me? That's dangerous..."

Yu Qinghuan comforted: "Don't be afraid, I brought the amulet."

"What amulet?" Sheng Ling was puzzled.

"The one in the guest room."

Sheng Ling was dumbfounded: "You mean... Qingliu?"

Yu Qinghuan nodded: "King chased him for many years in his life, but unfortunately he didn't catch it."

"You--" Sheng Ling's eyes widened, and he whispered, "Is there anyone who cheats your brother?"

"I can't catch it anyway, let's take advantage of it!" Yu Qinghuan shrugged indifferently, "Besides, I have to say whether it will be useful in this life~"

At least King didn't fall in love with her at first sight, indicating that some things have changed.

"You are so crazy!" Sheng Ling said anxiously, "If it's useless, isn't it hurting Qingliu?"

"There's no way, a dead horse should be a living horse doctor! Go to bed, can you wake up tomorrow and say something."

"Bah, baah -" Sheng Lingren hugged her hurriedly, "Don't be afraid, we will all live a long life."

Yu Qinghuan leaned in his arms and smiled: "I think God will not be so cruel to me if you let me live again."

Sheng Lingren kissed him: "You are right. Thanks to you, I will be fine."


King returned to the hotel, put down his guitar case, changed his clothes and went out.

It is not the first time that he has come to the capital of China. He has stepped on it during training. He never intended to restrain his hobbies, so I have already asked the **** bar here.

He felt he needed to vent!

How can you have feelings for someone who has a relationship with your goal? This will affect the task execution!

He got into the hotel and started looking for prey tonight.

It's a pity that Yu Qingliu's smiling face always flashes in his mind, and he doesn't like it!

In the end, he went back to the hotel alone, thinking of Yu Qingliu's face, and slapped himself.

He was depressed when he was finished, how could he kill this Shengling?

He finally got into the villa area, but he didn't seize the opportunity, and he wouldn't be so lucky if he came again. It is obviously not convenient to start elsewhere.


The first thing Shengling people did when they came to the capital was to set up the Shengshi Group. There are a lot of things to be busy in setting up a group.

But now that the killer is a time bomb, he is not at ease wherever he goes. I'm afraid that when I turn around, something will happen to my family. I was afraid that I would turn around and have an accident.

He is very greedy of life and fear of death.

He had already seen the end of life in the laboratory, the kind of despair without a future, and didn't want to do it again.

He wants to live longer, live well, live seriously!

He really wanted to catch that person and ask: Are you here to kill me?

(To be continued~^~)

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