The agent felt that her brain was sick, and said depressed: "But those advertising endorsements, but no matter what field you are in! Good ads will be signed by Wen Yingying and Xin Ni, what are you left?!"

She felt like a beeping dog. Gong Fei only knows to be aggressive, but he doesn't look at the situation! When thinking about the sidelines, he is better than anyone else, and he can't be serious!

If it is Tang Xinxin, there is no need to remind these things at all, people are clear in their hearts!

"Right! There is also Tang Xinxin!" said the agent, "You are still some distance away from Wen Yingying. Xin Ni is singing again. Except for endorsements, she won't compete with you, but Tang Xinxin is different!"

Gong Fei was puzzled: "Didn't she sing?"

The agent gritted her teeth: "She's good! Singing is just a pretense, use this opportunity to enter the circle! Seeing the record industry is down, people plan to develop in acting and hosting. Haven't you seen her training in acting classes and variety classes recently? "

Gong Fei was silent for a moment: "She will grab an appointment with me?"

"That's not nonsense! Although she has just debuted, but the company attaches so much importance to her, the film appointment arranged for her must be at your stage!"

When Gong Fei heard this, he was mad.

What happened to Zeng Shuai? Target her specifically?

After thinking for a while, she understood. Although I am Gong Mo's cousin, I have a bad relationship with Gong Mo! Tang Xinxin and Gong Mo are as good as wearing a pair of pants, and Zeng Shuai naturally pays more attention to her!

As for Wen Yingying and Xin Ni, one is his woman and the other is a genius who sings. They may also be his women in the future, which is incomparable with them.

It seems that it is not Wen Yingying, but Tang Xinxin that she wants to see as her opponent now!


Xin Ni walked into Zeng Shuai's office, her expression agitated.

She hadn't forgotten Lily's explanation, she was looking for someone named Sheng Nanxuan!

Oh, yes, she is Cindy. But as a princess of a country, even if the country is precarious, it is not suitable for her to sing in the entertainment industry.

In the eyes of many people, an artist is an actor. Big-name celebrities may also be respected and admired by thousands of people, and small stars will only be cast aside if they are not good.

Therefore, she didn't want the people around her to know that she was in the entertainment industry, and she didn't want to discredit the Emilia royal family, so she used a pseudonym in her consciousness.

And one more thing, she was not sure if the rebels knew of her existence. If they knew it by their real name, it might be a disaster for themselves.

After arriving in Beijing, she didn't know how to inquire about Sheng Nanxuan. And the game is very busy, she wants to wait until the game is over before doing it.

Until Tang Xinxin signed a contract with Stellar Entertainment, she suddenly heard other players mention the three words "Sheng Nanxuan", it was like a pie in the sky.

Because Sheng Nanxuan is now a legend in the capital and Stellar Entertainment is his asset. Everyone is full of envy when seeing Tang Xinxin sign here.

As soon as Cindy inquired, he learned about the Shengshi Pharmaceutical Laboratory, and suddenly connected with the laboratory in the desert, and he was sure that Sheng Nanxuan was the person she was looking for! So as soon as Stellar Entertainment contacted her to sign, she immediately agreed.

Now that Zeng Shuai is looking for her, she may be able to ask him to meet Sheng Nanxuan.

Entering the office, she straightened her back: "President, are you looking for me?"

Zeng Shuai glanced at her and pointed to the sofa: "Sit down."

"...Oh." Xinni walked to the sofa and sat down nervously. (To be continued~^~)

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