Cindy glanced in her direction, and she was taken aback: Is she looking at herself?

Cindy turned around and lifted the champion's cloak into a beautiful arc.

The lights on the stage went out instantly and turned on again after a while. Cindy stood on the stage, wearing an ultra-short sequined dress, with her hands on her waist, her head tilted, a headset on her head, and her curly hair on her shoulders. Above, glowing under the light.

As the music beat, Cindy moved, singing and dancing to the sound of the music.

This is a cheerful dance music, as a thank you gift for the champion.

Cindy's voice is crisp and beautiful, and there are a few slow-paced places where the voice becomes tender and passionate, making people intoxicated.

When she jumped to the end, the picture freezes, and countless ribbons fall from her head. She stood there, her chest rising and falling.

Gong Mo knew that she was tired. But her face was full of radiance and she was very happy.

Everyone thought that tonight was over. The next second, Cindy twisted her waist and changed a movement. The remaining seven contestants were put on the stage by the lifting platform and stood behind her.

The music sounded again, and the eight people jumped together, each singing one sentence, and the scene reached the highest point.

Finally, Gong Mo couldn't help screaming at the stage.

When the lights in the studio were fully turned on, everyone knew it was over.

The players on the stage also relaxed. Several people turned and walked away, and several went to congratulate Cindy.

Those who turned and walked away were of course not satisfied with Cindy's winning the championship. Gong Mo found that the third and second runners-up were among them. Maybe no matter who wins the championship, as long as they are not themselves, they will be unhappy, right?

Many spectators came to the stage to ask Cindy to sign, and some asked other players to sign, but Cindy had the most people in front of him.

Tian Cheng was eager to try, and asked Gong Mo in a low voice, "Can I go?"

"Do you have a book or something?"

Tian Cheng shook his head.

Zeng Shuai said by the side; "You can ask for her signature as much as you want, so you don't have to squeeze it."

"That's different!" Tian Cheng said solemnly, "The attitude of chasing stars is not like this."

Zeng Shuai asked in a daze, "What is that like?"

Tian Cheng choked and heard the embarrassment before, turning his head to ignore him.

Gong Mo asked: "Should there be a picture of Xinni on the TV? Go and get us two."

"Okay!" Zeng Shuai turned to find the staff, and soon brought a bunch of photos over, "Which one do you want?"

These photos are all stills on the stage, very gorgeous, and each one is beautiful.

Gong Mo drew one at random and said to Tian Cheng, "Take one autograph first, and take the others home."

Tian Cheng nodded and took one.

The two walked to Cindy, and Cindy saw Zeng Shuai taking them over, and dropped the others to sign them first.

After signing, Gong Mo carefully recognized the name she wrote.

Cindy said: "It's Emilia writing."

Gong Mo suddenly realized that he smiled and nodded, "Tomorrow is my birthday, I hope you come early."

Cindy's eyes widened in surprise. Although she suspected that she was Sheng Nanxuan's wife the moment Zeng Shuai led her to appear, she could not help being shocked when she was confirmed.

Ye God’s wife is actually her fan? This feels so curious! No wonder she received an invitation letter for a birthday party before.

"I will go," she said hastily.

Gong Mo smiled and waved the photo: "See you then." (To be continued~^~)

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