Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 846: This is my grandson

At the entrance of the manor, Mr. Wu arrived.

He rolled down the car window and was about to pass the invitation in. The person who checked the invitation at the door said, "Sir, please get off the car. Your car can't go in. There is a special car to take you to the villa."

Wu Lao Er was taken aback, opened the door and got out of the car, followed by a young man with oily flour.

After checking the invitation, he took the young man and wanted to go in.

The bodyguard stopped him: "Sorry Mr. Wu, you can only enter one person for your invitation."

"This is my grandson." Older Wu frowned and said displeasedly.

"You can only enter one person for your invitation." The bodyguard insisted, and there was no need to speak respectfully.

Seeing that there were cars waiting in line to check the invitation, the second old man looked at him, feeling very shameless, and said angrily: "Why are you so naive? Don't you know who I am? I am ——"

"Sorry!" the bodyguard said loudly, "you can only enter one person for your invitation."

Wu Lao Er had a pause, and was so angry that he could not breathe well. His grandson also stood side by side with a pale face.

The bodyguard ignored them and continued to greet others.

Seeing that there was no way for Older Wu, he took out his cell phone and called Old Man Wu: "Cousin~ I was stopped by Nan Xuan's people. What do you mean by this? I'm his elder!"

Elder Wu didn't want to eat his style, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Do you have an invitation?"

"Of course there is! I am Nan Xuan's uncle, why would he not invite me?" Wu Lao Er said loudly, for fear that the people around would not hear him.

"Then why are you stopped outside?"

Wu Lao Er choked and was speechless.

Elder Wu asked: "What's the matter with you honestly? If you don't tell me, how can I intercede with you."

plead? Wu Lao Er grinds his teeth, he wants to go in, but he actually needs people to intercede!

He said angrily: "My invitation can only enter one person."

"Then who did you bring?" Elder Wu raised his voice, this old thing, wouldn't he bring the whole family?

"I brought Wu Spring." Wu Lao Er said in a low voice.

Elder Wu snorted: "Wait!"

He was playing golf with Yu Zhengming and others. After hanging up the phone, Yu Zhengming asked, "Is the second child here?"

Elder Wu said awkwardly: "What do you think?"

Yu Zhengming smiled and hit a ball with his swing, "How do I know what to do with your family?"

Elder Wu understood that he didn't intend to help.

If he were to talk to Sheng Nanxuan, Sheng Nanxuan would definitely agree. After all, he is a pro-grandfather, it is impossible not to give face.

As for yourself... Give it a try!

Elder Wu turned around and got on the golf cart and went to the villa to find Sheng Nanxuan.

After arriving at the villa, he walked to Sheng Nanxuan, looking like he was hesitant to talk.

Sheng Nanxuan asked thoughtfully: "What's the matter with uncle? Let's say it inside."

Elder Wu smiled, turned and walked into the villa.

Gong Mo looked at Sheng Nanxuan suspiciously, and Sheng Nanxuan said, "You greet me first, I'll go in."

Gong Mo nodded, and then there were no guests at the moment. The bodyguard at the entrance to the garden saw it and used the walkie-talkie to notify the people outside not to let the guests in for now.

Sheng Nanxuan walked into the living room and sat in front of Mr. Wu.

Elder Wu knew that he was still busy, so he didn't talk nonsense, and said straightforwardly: "My cousin is here, he brought more people, and he was stopped."

Sheng Nanxuan had guessed that the second child of Wu would play this one, but he brought only one family instead of one, which was already the best situation. (To be continued~^~)

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