Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 882: I am sincere to my cousin

Tian Cheng didn't take Gong Xiaogu to Gong Mo's house, but went directly to the school to report.

In the evening, my sister-in-law lives in the dormitory arranged by the school for the parents. You can register with your ID card and pay ten dollars. It has air-conditioning and hot water. It is convenient to find Tiancheng and you can chat with other parents. It is more comfortable than staying in a hotel!

The next morning, Tian Cheng finished the enrollment procedures and took her sister-in-law to play everywhere.

By the third night, my sister-in-law should go back.

At lunch, Tian Cheng asked her: "Do you want to stay? Find a job in Beijing?"

My sister-in-law hesitated, obviously a little tempted.

Soon, she calmed down again: "I really can't bear you, but the capital is too expensive. I'll go back. Our house is there and we have to watch. I am divorced with your dad now, who knows you two Will this uncle make an idea of ​​our house. You don’t know, your second aunt sold the house, and your first aunt swears to curse others at home."

Tian Cheng frowned: "Didn't Uncle Gambino drew the gun? She dare to curse?"

"You scolded yourself at home, but they couldn't hear your second aunt. She was also used to bullying your second aunt, knowing that your second aunt is kind and won't do anything to her."

"Then why would she curse second aunt? Second aunt's own things, sold them."

The sister-in-law said awkwardly: "She said that your second aunt and your cousin are married to such a rich man, and there is no shortage of that. What happened to her."

She used to have this kind of thought, because she didn't have the ability to earn it by herself, so she always wanted to get it for nothing. Now I work. Although I have a small salary, I can buy some small things by my own efforts. No matter how greedy other people's things are, I don't have the face to think like that.

People, you still want face.

"Heh..." Tian Cheng smiled angrily, "Why? No matter how rich people are, it won't be the wind blowing, so why should you give it to her? Don't follow them!"

"Of course I know!" The sister-in-law's face blushed, "It's too late to hold Momo's thighs. Who will offend her?"

Tian Cheng didn't like to listen to such words, and said straightforwardly: "I am sincere to my cousin! Even if she has no money now, I am willing to be nice to her!"

"Yes..." My sister hurriedly agreed, "You child, you are just stubborn."

She is now a little bit afraid to fight Tian Cheng. Because she found that since Tian Cheng arranged to divorce the scumbag, buy a house, and go to work, her life is happier than before!

In this case, of course she listened to Tian Cheng everything.

I have to say that Tian Cheng is much better than her. How could she have so many plans when she was a teenager?

"Hurry up." She put a crystal bag for Tian Cheng. "It's a pity that you can't cook here. How long will it take for you to eat what I cooked."

"Didn't you just eat it a few days ago?" Tian Cheng smiled.

At this time, her cell phone rang.

At first glance, it was Gong Mo.

She hurriedly picked up: "Cousin?"

My sister-in-law looked at her nervously.

After a while, she finished answering the phone and said, "My cousin asked...Should I go to her house for dinner tonight."

My sister-in-law was taken aback: "Are you telling me to go?"

Tian Cheng nodded.

"Let's go!" The sister-in-law said hurriedly, "There are always a few relatives who are going to leave. Your eldest uncle and younger uncle can't count on it anymore, they are annoying all day long!"

Tian Cheng hummed: "If my cousin doesn't have money, you wouldn't be happy to disagree with her, right?" (to be continued~^~)

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