Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 892: Isn't this an affair?

The foreigner smiled awkwardly and put down the camera to help: "May I help you carry it?"

"No." Yu Qinghuan said, "You take me to buy a camera."

"it is good!"

The man took her out of Huaguo Street and stopped a taxi.

The two sat side by side in the back seat. The man looked at her a few times, feeling excited, and asked nervously, "Are you... are you married?"


"Then these are..."

"Give it away."

"Oh—" the man breathed a sigh of relief.

The two walked into the digital store, and the man selected Yu Qinghuan according to his camera configuration, and it was done quickly.

The clerk said the price, Yu Qinghuan opened the bag and took a look, and said frankly: "I'm sorry, I don't have enough money, can I come to get it at night?"

The clerk was taken aback, seeing that she was wearing all famous brands, and nodded: "Okay."

"Thank you." Yu Qinghuan was very polite.

"I, I can send you off." The man next to him hurriedly said.

"No, it's too expensive." She already has an idea of ​​money and won't accept favors from others for no reason.

She turned and walked out, and the man hurriedly followed her: "Then, can I invite you to dinner?"

"No, I have something else." She still has to make money.

"But your picture..."

Yu Qinghuan was taken aback, then looked back at him: "Can I print it outside?"

"Uh... yes."

"Then let's go."

It was already dark, and the man thought that he was about to part with her, and his heart was scorched, and he was very anxious.

Isn't this, this an affair?

By the way, I heard that the Orientals are very reserved and conservative, so this definitely won't work.

He gritted his teeth, suddenly turned a corner and said to Yu Qinghuan: "Go here, get closer here."

Yu Qinghuan nodded slightly, holding the box of children's things in both hands to follow him.

He led her into a dark alley.

But darkness is not a problem for Yu Qinghuan, she walked forward calmly without any discomfort.

The man turned his head and looked at her uncertainly.

In the quiet alley, only the sound of her high heels was heard.

He suddenly walked over and held out his hand: "Let me help you!"

Yu Qinghuan turned around: "No!"

This is something for little babies, people who are irrelevant should never touch it!

"You--" The man gave her a fierce face, and leaped at her, pressing her against the wall, "Bitch! Toast and not eat or drink!"

He stretched out his hand to pull on Yu Qinghuan's clothes, Yu Qinghuan frowned and bumped his elbow back.

"Ah--" The man screamed and flew out.

Yu Qinghuan turned around, still holding the box firmly in his hand.

The man suddenly remembered that when she just pushed her to the wall, she didn't respond at all in panic, didn't call for help, didn't struggle, even surprised!

She... how could she do this? Is she not afraid?

Yu Qinghuan bent over and put the box on the ground.

Seeing her slender calf and slim figure, the man suddenly felt the nosebleed up, he immediately got up and rushed at her again. Oh shit! Such a stunner, he must take her down today!

Before his hand touched Yu Qinghuan's clothes, Yu Qinghuan suddenly grabbed his hands.

Hearing a click, he screamed: "Ah————"


his hand!


It hurts!

Yu Qinghuan let go of his wrist, his palms drooped weakly.

She immediately grabbed his shoulders again, lifted her knees and pressed against his waist—

"Aw--" The man screamed and fell to the ground, trying to cover his crotch with his hands, but his hands were so painful that he couldn't move. He could only clamp his legs, shivering. (To be continued~^~)

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