Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 900: I will knit one more for you!

Gong Mo walked into the cloakroom and Sheng Nanxuan was also changing clothes.

She took a look and saw that he was wearing the scarf she knitted for him. She couldn't help saying: "Didn't she buy you a new scarf two days ago? Why not? Wearing this old one again, it's ugly. Up!"

Sheng Nanxuan hugged her and kissed her, "How can it be ugly if you knit for me?"

"You are a beauty in the eyes of a lover, but in fact it is very ugly!" Gong Mo pushed him away and wanted to take it off for him. "Don't wear it out to embarrass you. The weaving is not good, and it is deformed. Wear it. That new one."


"Although I didn't knit it, but I bought it and picked it for you personally. What's the difference?"

"Can your own child be the same as the one you adopted in an orphanage'picked back yourself'?"

"..." What a metaphor!

Gong Mo ignored him and turned to change clothes.

In the living room, Huzi looked at his thick thighs, raised his thick palms, and wanted to remove the gloves!

But thinking of what Gong Mo said, he didn't do that and continued to wait.

After waiting for a while, Gong Mo hadn't come out yet, he wanted to find her. Turning over to get down to the ground, he rolled directly off the sofa.

With a thump, the tiger fell stupid, staring at the ceiling and thinking: Why doesn't it hurt?

He rolled on the ground, dressed too thickly and became too round, and he still couldn't get up.

After rolling a few more times, because the room was too warm, his whole body began to get fever, and he began to cry depressed.

Sheng Nanxuan had changed his clothes and heard the sound running out quickly. Seeing his appearance, he laughed loudly: "Emma! Son of Meatball, why are you so round!"

"Woo..." Huzi shook his legs, very dissatisfied.

Sheng Nanxuan picked him up and said with a smile: "Your mother is also true. If you wear so much clothes, you are not afraid of killing you?"

"Woo..." Huzi twisted, trying to undress.

Sheng Nanxuan untied a down jacket outside for him and said: "This is too much to wear!"

Gong Mo came out, saw his movements, and shouted, "What are you doing?!"

Sheng Nanxuan said, "Why are you wearing so much for him? What should I do if it's too hot?"

"It won't be hot when you go out." Gong Mo threw the scarf on his face to his face, "wear this one."

Sheng Nanxuan threw it aside in disgust.

"Well you~ this is too ugly, let's replace it." Gong Mo stretched out his hand and took off the neck of his neck. Seeing that he wanted to **** it back, he hurriedly said, "I will knit one more for you! How about knitting another one? "

Sheng Nanxuan moved for a while, then took the initiative to remove the scarf from her neck, and wrapped it around her recommended new scarf: "What you said, don't break your promise."

"Definitely!" Gong Mo nodded, buttoned Huzi's clothes, and said, "Let's go."

Because there is a park nearby, everyone in the community has gone to the park to play. There are almost no people downstairs, and they can only go to the park with tigers.

There were a lot of children in the park, and the tiger ran over like a wild horse, playing with everyone.

Gong Mo took a photo of him with the camera, and while patted, he found Sheng Nanxuan on the phone.

She raised the camera and took a few shots at him. He quickly found out, turned and looked at her with a smile.

After a while, he hung up and walked to her.

She couldn't help but complain: "I'm busy with business again? Can't I play with the tiger?"

"He didn't call me again. Let him play with the child. When he calls me, I will definitely play with him." (To be continued~^~)

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