"I don't know! Don't talk nonsense!" Judy said impatiently, "It's going to freeze to death, are you still in the mood to care about me?"

"I... I'm afraid if I don't speak... I can't hold on." Gong Mo squatted on the ground.

Judy was taken aback, walked up to her and looked for a while, and said, "Then I can't help it."

"You... how many people have you come?" Gong Mo asked.

"Just me and Master." Judy turned the pistol in her hand.

Gong Mo was startled: "What? Two?"

"Ah, no. It's me and him on my way, but there are a lot of other people here, and I don't know. I am responsible for saving the child, and they are still dealing with opponents outside."

"Oh..." Gong Mo bit his lip and felt his head was heavy and he could only cheer up.

Almost... She will be saved soon.

Suddenly, Judy asked: "Have you eaten?"

Gong Mo shook his head. She doesn't know how long she has been locked here, and she didn't eat anything when she got up in the morning. Now... it's cold, tired and hungry...

Judy pulled out the dagger from her leg and asked, "Do you eat wolf meat?"

Gong Mo glanced at the wolf corpse in front of him and shook his head in horror.

Judy thought for a while: after all, she is not as good as the fairy sister. She may not dare to eat cooked ones, let alone raw ones.

She stuck the dagger back in boredom.

Gong Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for a while, there was a loud noise, and the door that had just let the wolf in opened.

Gong Mo was overjoyed and got up from the ground. Judy helped her walk to the wall, let her lean against the wall, and said, "You wait a moment."

After speaking, she flashed out carefully against the wall, and walked back after a while: "Okay, come with me."

Gong Mo hurriedly followed her and walked forward strenuously while holding on to the wall.

The two passed through an empty corridor with lights on. Gong Mo didn't know if it was the way she came.

Suddenly, Judy stopped, pulling out the gun while stopping her behind her.

Gong Mo was startled, knowing that there was danger, and hid behind him holding his breath.

Judy pointed to her and then to the ground. Gong Mo nodded, knowing she wanted to stay here by herself.

Judy leaned against the wall and walked forward cautiously. Suddenly turning around with a gun at the turning point, a person fell to her from there...

Gong Mo was taken aback, almost screamed, and hurriedly reached out to cover his mouth.

Judy took a step back, and the man fell to the ground dullly, motionless.

Judy put the gun away.

Gong Mo hurried over and was about to say something when he saw Zeng Shuai standing opposite Judy holding up his gun.

Like Judy, he also wears an intercom headset.

Gong Mo Yixi: "Zeng Shuai!"

"Madam!" Zeng Shuai immediately lowered his gun hand, "It's fine if you are fine, let's go."

"Where is the tiger?" Gong Mo hurriedly asked.

"He's okay, Dean Yu takes it with him."

When Gong Mo heard this, he was completely relieved.

She followed Zeng Shuai and couldn't help but glanced at the man on the ground, and saw a blood hole in his head.

She glanced at the gun with the silencer in Zeng Shuai's hand and understood.

Judy followed her and said coldly: "That's the one who caught you, don't be sad for him."

"I...I didn't." Gong Mo said.

Zeng Shuai glanced back, did not speak, and carefully opened the road ahead.

The three of them quickly walked to a staircase. The light above the staircase was very bright, obviously natural light.

After going up, I really saw the day.

Gong Mo understood, they just came up from the basement. (To be continued~^~)

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