Gong Mo asked blankly, "Is there no way for uncle?" She didn't want anyone to die for her.

Yu Qingliu didn't answer, but looked at Owen.

Owen breathed weakly and said with difficulty: "From now on...If you can, help me take care of Judy...she's still young..."

"Master..." Judy threw on him, crying bitterly.

"You are a good boy... well..." Owen raised his hand and slowly covered her head, "Don't hate anyone..."

After speaking, his hand slid down her curly hair.

"Woo..." Judy cried bitterly, "Liar...you said you want to find a wife for the fourteen...see it's baby..."

Yu Qingliu was feeling uncomfortable, he was taken aback when he heard this: Baby? What the **** is Fourteen? Oh... Irving...


It was late at night when Sheng Nanxuan got off the plane. The cold wind was howling, and there was heavy snow in the sky.

He stepped off the plane, Lin Lei walked over with an umbrella, and walked beside him, saying, "Madam and Young Master were in the hospital, and both were frozen. The Young Master had a bad cold and a high fever, and he just got better. Madam... Madam. It’s also a cold, I’ve been in a coma and haven’t woken up.

Sheng Nanxuan clenched his fists, his face pale.

After getting in the car, Lin Lei continued: "Three of our people died, most of them were injured. A few of them are still in the intensive care unit. It is estimated that they cannot survive. Zeng Shuai was also slightly injured. A friend of Dean Yu , Seems to be a mercenary, also... passed away."

When Sheng Nanxuan heard this, his body moved slightly.

He remembered when he was at the airport, Yu Qingliu said: I have the opportunity to introduce you to each other.

As a result, there was no chance.

"Those who died..." Sheng Nanxuan paused, "Heavy burial. Take care of their families."

"Yes..." Fang Yang replied in a low voice.

Sheng Nanxuan closed his eyes and leaned on the seat, his face full of frost.

The people in the car dared not speak, and bowed their heads in silence.

After a while, Sheng Nanxuan asked, "Where is Huo Cheng?"

"Ding Yuan changed all the people around him, and his family is also controlled by us. He is now more obedient." Lin Lei replied.

Sheng Nanxuan said nothing again.

Walking into the hospital, because it was late at night, the surroundings were quiet.

Sheng Nanxuan walked to the door of the ward, raised his hand and patted his hair, took off his cold coat and gave it to Fang Yang, before pushing the door and walking in.

In the ward, Gong Mo and Huzi lay on a hospital bed alone, and both of them were bottled.

There was a nurse sitting next to the bed. On Huzi's side, the nurse is taking his temperature. On Gong Mo's side, the nurse smeared her lips with a cotton swab soaked in water.

Sheng Nanxuan walked in, both of them were startled, and stood up nervously: "Mr. Sheng..."

He asked in a low voice, "Have you woken up?"

"The young master woke up at night and had a bowl of porridge, but the lady never woke up."

Sheng Nanxuan nodded and walked to the child's bed. Seeing that his face was flushed, he stretched out his hand and touched it, making him retract his hand.

He hurriedly asked: "How can it be ironed like this?"

The nurse hurriedly said: "It's already a lot better, Mr. Sheng, you...you may be too cold on your hands."

Sheng Nanxuan's hand stiffened, and he stretched out his hand to cover Huzi's forehead again. Huzi flattened his mouth and rubbed his palms against him, which seemed very comfortable.

He looked for a while, then withdrew his hand and said to the nurse: "Take care of it." Then he turned and walked to Gong Mo's bed.

He sat down and held Gong Mo's hand, Gong Mo's hand was also very hot.

The nurse glanced at him, holding the cotton swab and continued to smear Gong Mo's lips. (To be continued~^~)

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