The nurse shook her hand and was frightened by her domineering.

Huzi had been given medicine several times before, but he fell asleep on two occasions. Although he would vomit out subconsciously, he would not struggle. Once, although awake, he was not as energetic as he is now. He would only cry and twist his head, hold his head and feed him.

This time... I'm afraid it's a bit hanged.

The nurse put the powdered medicine in a spoon, stirred it with water, and brought it to Huzi's mouth.

Huzi shook his head vigorously, and his nose made a sound in protest.

The nurse was afraid he would spill the medicine, so she stepped aside and didn't know what to do.

Gong Mo said, "Hold him and I will feed him."

"Mom don't~" Huzi cried loudly.

"Dad is sleeping, don't cry!" Gong Mo said fiercely.

Huzi cried harder when he heard it.

Wow, dad, come and save me! Mom is bad! Mom forced me to suffer! I will only love you from now on!

Sheng Nanxuan immediately sat up from the bed, with a streak of dull hair standing on his head.

"Wow—" Huzi crawled to the ground, "Dad—"

Sheng Nanxuan lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and said to the nurse: "Pour a cup of hot water."

The nurse was stunned, put the spoon with the medicine on the cup carefully, and poured the boiling water.

Huzi ran to Sheng Nanxuan, hugged his leg, and wept.

Gong Mo sneered and said in his heart: You have found the wrong backer! This kind of thing, your dad will only turn towards me!

Huzi snorted at her with a ferocious expression, an expression of "I will never be with you again".

Gong Mo looked at it and laughed louder.

Sheng Nanxuan picked up Huzi, and Huzi sniffed, and put his arms around his neck pitifully: "Dad...mother is bad."

"Really?" Sheng Nanxuan hugged him and walked to Gong Mo and sat on the side of the bed, "Dad will be worse than mom~"

Huzi stayed blankly and looked at him: What do you mean?

Gong Mo stretched out his hand and pressed the dull hair on top of Sheng Nanxuan's head.

Sheng Nanxuan was taken aback and turned to look at her.

She said, "The hair is messed up."

Sheng Nanxuan's eyes were gentle, and he lowered his head and rubbed his head in her palm, like a coquettish tiger.

Gong Mo frowned, patted his head helplessly, and then hugged the tiger in his arms.

Tiger yelled: "Dad! Save the baby!"

"Okay, Dad will come right away." Sheng Nanxuan picked up the spoon containing the medicine.

The nurse came over with hot water and looked at him puzzled: "Mr. Sheng?"

Sheng Nanxuan saw that it was only eighth full, and said, "It's full."

"Oh..." The nurse turned around to fill up the water, walked over and accidentally spilled some on her hands, almost throwing it away.

Sheng Nanxuan reached out to take it, put the bottom of the spoon on the water, and scalded it carefully.

The nurse suddenly felt like "I will be fired tomorrow"!

He clearly felt that the medicine was cold and wanted to heat it up.

The nurse remembered that he had taken care of Gong Mo last night and changed the hot water specially. She was afraid and emotional, afraid that he would complain to herself, and felt that he was really a good father and a good man.

"Wow -" Huzi didn't think so. Bad dad! He has a bad father! He is running away from home!

"What's the matter?" Yu Qingliu pushed the door in.

Huzi immediately saw another savior: "Uncle--"

"Take medicine?" Yu Qingliu said, "Pour it into him in one bite, and just add some sugar."

"Woo..." Huzi kicked hard, bad guy! All bad guys!

Yu Qingliu said: "The voice is quite loud, and it seems to be recovering well." (To be continued~^~)

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