Ditsy Wife: Mysterious Husband is Unfathomable

Chapter 927: How does Gambino know

Sheng Nanxuan walked over to take the thermometer, and pointed to the side.

Yu Qingliu turned his back helplessly.

Sheng Nanxuan helped Gong Mo unzip his clothes and put the thermometer in.

She didn't wear underwear and was a little uncomfortable. Sheng Nanxuan has always been unscrupulous, wondering if she will take the opportunity to eat her tofu.

If it is usual, Sheng Nanxuan may really take the opportunity to wipe the oil. But her experience this time did not allow him to be so ignorant, put the thermometer obediently, and then pulled out his hand, not touching any places he shouldn't.

Gong Mo looked at him and couldn't help but look at him slightly.

Yu Qingliu said: "Gong Mo will continue to have a needle in the afternoon, and Hu Zi will wait until tomorrow."

"Is it serious?" Gong Mo asked.

"If it's not serious, you can treat it as a normal cold. You can be discharged from the hospital after another day of injection tomorrow. If you don't worry, you can watch it more."

"... Then let's leave the hospital tomorrow." She didn't want to live in the hospital.

After a while, Sheng Nanxuan took out the mother's thermometer and gave it to Yu Qingliu.

Yu Qingliu took a look: "It's still burning, take a rest and eat according to the doctor's advice." After speaking, he glanced at Huzi.

Huzi was holding a lollipop and looked unclear.

Gong Mo touched his head and said, "Uncle said you have to bear hardships obediently."

Huzi suddenly widened his eyes, glanced at Yu Qingliu fiercely, and turned his back to him.

"Just ignore me, uncle is going to eat! Do you want to be together?"

Huzi shook his head in Gong Mo's arms.

"It looks like you still care about your uncle! I thought you would ignore me anymore~" Yu Qingliu walked away contentedly, and when he walked to the door, he turned around and said to Sheng Nanxuan, "Give them light food."

"I know." Sheng Nanxuan asked Gong Mo, "Are you hungry?"

"I think it's okay. Are you hungry? Send in first." Gong Mo said, "Huzi only ate a little in the morning, so he should eat too."

Sheng Nanxuan nodded and went to the door to order the outside bodyguards to buy food.

When he returned, his cell phone rang.

It's Gambino.

He was shocked in his heart and said to Gong Mo calmly, "I'll answer the phone."

Gong Mo nodded, stretched out his hand to take a sip of the hot water on the head of the bed, and suddenly felt that he was warm.

She touched her arm, feeling a little cold on her body. Seeing that Huzi was dressed as thick as himself, he couldn't help asking: "Are you cold?"

Huzi shook his head, frowned and said, "Hot..."

"Don't take it off!" Gong Mo hurriedly held him down, guessing that he felt hot because of fever.

Thinking of this, she was taken aback: She was also having a fever, why did she feel cold instead?


On the corridor, Sheng Nanxuan answered the phone. Before speaking, Gambino asked, "Is Gong Mo okay?"

Sheng Nanxuan was taken aback, and asked suspiciously: "How do you know?" He had a vague guess in his heart.

"I have someone over there," Gambino said.

Sure enough!

Sheng Nanxuan asked angrily: "Then why don't you stop those people?!"

"You figure it out--" Gambino's voice was cold, "I'm just someone collecting intelligence and passing messages over there, not monitoring you. After Gong Mo is saved, I know that something has happened to her, otherwise I will let her have something wrong. Do you think I am you?! What do you eat?! Or not his husband?!"

"...I'm sorry." Sheng Nanxuan didn't want to argue, because he wanted to kill himself!

Gambino took a deep breath: "If you let her have an accident again, I may have to monitor you." (To be continued~^~)

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